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207 днів тому

Senior .NET Engineer at Intellias

remote middle, senior
Вакансія закрита

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Скоріше за все, ця вакансія закрита, бо вже зробила чиїсь понеділки щасливими.
Але не засмучуйтесь — у нас є що вам запропонувати!
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Ця вакансія є частиною спецпроєкту Вакансії для героїв
Вакансії від компаній, які вважають, що мати в команді захисників та захисниць України — це честь.

Let’s breathe life into great tech ideas! With more than 3 200 people globally, Intellias is a company where benchmark technological solutions are born. Join in and take your part in digitalizing the world.

What project we have for you

Our client is a well-known e-commerce retailer that covers several areas of women’s lives (e.g. health and lifestyle). This Architect role is a multi-faceted role for a talented and client-facing Technical Architect, who has great experience in the Shopify Plus platform and has practice in architecting and delivering enterprise e-commerce solutions solutions built on Shopify.

What you will do

• Develop and implement complete solutions.
• Participate in functional requirements analysis (including communication with customer
• Describe and investigate technical design options.
• Focus on solving complex tasks in a simple way with a given technology.
• Participate in continuous improvements, including platform tooling and processes,
implementing best practices and bringing on innovations.
• Enforcement of non-functional requirements.
• Perform code reviews and code optimizations.
• Support of deployment and release processes, troubleshoot production issues.
• Take responsibility and ownership of project components, master domain knowledge.
• Mentor and supervise newcomers and less experienced engineers.
• Participate in hiring process .

What you need for this

• 5+ years of experience in Software Engineering.
• Strong knowledge of C# and CLR in .NET framework.
• Rich experience with common .NET frameworks (like ASP.NET, Entity Framework, etc.).
• Experience in usage and design of relational databases.
• Experience in unit testing (xUnit, Moq).
• Strong understanding of design patterns, microservice architecture, distributed systems and
message brokers.
• Strong knowledge of RESTful web services and API design.
• Experience with Containerization tools (Docker).
• Version Control (Git, Git-flow, branch strategy).
• Experience in configuring CI/CD pipelines.
• Familiar with non-relational databases.
• Familiar with one of Cloud Computing platform (Azure, GCP, AWS).

Will be a plus:
• Approach: Infrastructure as a Code.
• Experience in Cloud Computing (Azure, GCP, AWS).
• Kubernetes.
• Experience with message brokers (Azure Service Bus, RabbitMQ, Kafka, etc.).

What it’s like to work at Intellias

At Intellias, we are committed to being an equal opportunity employer, fostering equity, diversity, and inclusion. We welcome and celebrate the differences of all qualified applicants. Join Intellias for a career where your unique perspectives are not only valued but crucial to our success.

Опубліковано: 23 липня 2024
Актуально до: 2 серпня 2024

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Що варто знати про Intellias

Intellias — одна з найбільших українських сервісних ІТ-компаній. Поєднуючи інженерну майстерність та технологічну експертизу, спеціалісти Intellias створюють продукти, якими користуються понад 2 мільярди людей у всьому світі. Компанія неодноразово отримувала звання найкращого роботодавця серед найбільших сервісних ІТ-компаній України за версіями Forbes Ukraine та DOU, а також двічі здобула звання «Велопрацедавець року».
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