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Проект «Кібербезпека критично важливої інфраструктури в Україні».
Проект USAID «Кібербезпека критично важливої інфраструктури в Україні» має зробити цю інфраструктуру стійкішою до кібератак шляхом формування відносин довіри та співпраці між основними зацікавленими сторонами у сфері кібербезпеки, що представляють органи влади, приватний бізнес, наукову спільноту та громадянське суспільство.
Проект включає три взаємопідсилювальні компоненти:
1) Зміцнення середовища, що є сприятливим для кібербезпеки;
2) Формування кадрового потенціалу України у сфері кібербезпеки;
3) Створення стійкої кібербезпекової індустрії.
Мета: посилення стійкості критичної інфраструктури країни до кібератак шляхом розвитку надійного партнерства між основними учасниками процесу підвищення рівня кібербезпеки у галузі державного управління, приватному секторі, а також представниками освітньої галузі й громадянського суспільства.
Activity Background
The purpose of the US Agency for International Development (USAID) Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructure in Ukraine Activity is to strengthen the resilience of Ukraine’s critical infrastructure from cyberattacks by establishing trusted collaboration between key cybersecurity stakeholders in the government, private sector, academia, and civil society. The activity aims to achieve this goal by implementing the following activity components:
Component 1: Strengthen the cybersecurity enabling environment
The legal, regulatory, and institutional framework for national cybersecurity in Ukraine needs to be strengthened and aligned with international standards and best practices. This component will strengthen the cybersecurity resilience of Ukraine’s critical infrastructure sectors by addressing legislative gaps, promoting good governance, enabling collaboration between stakeholders, and supporting cybersecurity institutions. This component will also build the technical capacity of key sectors through increased access to cybersecurity technology and equipment.
Component 2: Develop Ukraine’s cybersecurity workforce
Ukraine suffers from a severe shortage of cybersecurity professionals. This component of the USAID Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructure in Ukraine Activity will address workforce gaps through activities that develop new cybersecurity talent and build the capacity of existing talent. These activities will address the entire workforce pipeline, the quality of education received by cybersecurity specialists, and industry training programs to rapidly upskill Ukraine’s workforce to respond to immediate cybersecurity vulnerabilities.
Component 3: Build a resilient cybersecurity industry
A growing cybersecurity industry in Ukraine will contribute directly to national security and prosperity. This component will seek to build trust and collaboration between the public and private sector to develop innovative solutions for future cybersecurity challenges; spur investment and growth in the broader cybersecurity market in Ukraine through greater access to financing; support smaller cybersecurity companies to rapidly increase the number of local cybersecurity service providers; and offer mechanisms for Ukrainian firms to connect with industry partners to enable better access to innovations and business opportunities.
Together the above components will improve short-term cybersecurity resilience in Ukraine and establish a solid foundation for long-term cybersecurity independence and leadership. Lessons and best practices from key critical infrastructure sectors will extend to all parts of the public sector, as well as to the private sector and civil society.
The Senior Advisor will support the Activity with implementing FY24 Annual Implementation Plan initiatives, playing the critical role of coordination the Activity projects with the relevant GOU and private sector stakeholders.
The Senior Advisor will play a key role in the development and implementing Activity’s technical projects and will provide the technical expertise for various Activity initiatives.
Main general responsibilities for Senior Advisor:
In addition to providing regular technical expertise across the three Activity components, the Senior Advisor will focus on the following Activity tasks under respective Component:
The Senior Advisor will provide his expertise and propose development strategies for the following Component 1 tasks:
The Senior Advisor will provide his expertise and develop high-level designs for the below named Component 2 tasks:
The Senior Advisor will consult and advise on strategic elements of the following Component 3 tasks, with a focus on identifying relevance for market and GOU needs and conjunction points:
It’s a Kyiv-based position, long-term.
Period of performance-12 months.
Qualified candidates should send their CV and cover letter by 2 January 2024 6:00pm Kyiv time. Only short-listed candidates will receive notice requesting additional information. Interviews will be conducted on the rolling basis.
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