
Tech (Product)
Together with the best entrepreneurs of Central and Eastern Europe, we build high-tech products that change the lives of millions of people around the world.

Genesis is a Ukrainian co-founding IT company and one of the largest publishers of non-game applications worldwide. Such successful companies as Jiji, BetterMe, Headway were born and became independent businesses at Genesis. OBRIO, Boosters, AMO and Universe Group are also developing in the ecosystem. Every month, products of Genesis' businesses are used by tens of millions of people around the world. The total number of downloads has reached 400 million.

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25+companies in the ecosystem
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2000+employees in Ukraine
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3000+employees in the world
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#1employer in Ukraine (Forbes rating, 2023)
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3key markets: USA, Europe, Africa
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400 milliondownloads
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#1partner of Meta and Amazon in Ukraine

Genesis was founded in 2008. Its first product was the Ukrainian social network However, the project did not become successful. Volodymyr Mnoholietnii and Vasyl Ulianov (the founders of the company) decided to pay attention to the markets of other countries.

First, they opted for an African market. The market was promising because the number of Internet users was growing fast. In 2012, Genesis launched two news outlets on the Nigerian and Kenyan markets: Legit (formerly and Tuko. Nowadays, they are one of the largest mass media in the region. They are managed by a separate company, Legit. Another Genesis product was Jiji, online marketplace classifieds similar to OLX. It not only became the No.1 marketplace in the region but also bought out OLX's share of the African market. Nowadays, Jiji is an independent business with independent management.

Next, entry into Western markets began with projects co-founded by Genesis company AMO.

It is known as an international IT business that creates stories for millions of users. It was launched in 2017 and created the global entertainment media AmoMama in five years. More than 40 million people from America and Western Europe visit AmoMama every month, as well as several other media projects.

The business of creating applications Genesis began to develop in 2015. A few years later, this business became one of the largest in the region, and later in the world.

Since 2019, Genesis has been working as a co-founding company. It means that it helps start IT businesses. It provides resources and supports projects until they become independent. The company offers promising niches and ideas. Only talented people, who have entrepreneurial potential, work in Genesis. They are always ready to launch new projects.

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Currently, OBRIO, Boosters, Universe Group, SUITSME, Keiki, and more than 20 other technology startups develop in the ecosystem. Some businesses, such as BetterMe, Headway, Jiji, have already grown into full-fledged companies. So, they work independently but remain partners with the co-founding company.

Genesis has repeatedly been recognized as one of the best IT employers in the country in by the DOU rating. In 2023, the company became the best wartime employer of Ukraine according to Forbes. And in 2024, it won in the nomination "Lovemark for employees" as the company with the most loyal employees according to Forbes.

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Artem Kopaniev,
COO Genesis
There are no more companies with a structure like Genesis on the Ukrainian market. It is a powerful business ecosystem that has already proven its effectiveness. Genesis has resources and considerable experience in the development of IT projects. There is a unique system of networking and experience sharing in the company. Companies that become leaders are born in this atmosphere.

Mobile apps with millions of downloads

Mobile applications are one of the directions of work in which a lot of businesses of the Genesis ecosystem operate. Let's talk about some of them in more detail.

The OBRIO team develops Nebula, the largest brand in the niche of mental self-discovery. Nebula has more than 45 million users worldwide. 4.3 million people use the application every month. The product has repeatedly become the #1 app in the Apple Store and Play Market in the US, Canada and Australia.

The Universe Group is a Ukrainian company that launches global IT products. The Universe group of companies creates mobile applications and web platforms to simplify and improve the quality of people's lives.

During its existence, Universe Group has built three successful businesses: Guru Apps, FORMA and Wisey. It is also developing its own R&D center. The company's products are used by almost 62 million people from 180 countries.

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The startup PlantIn is relatively young, but more than 28.5 million users have already downloaded its product. The app of the same name, based on ML/AR technologies, helps to recognize more than 18,000 indoor plants and provides a care plan for them.

Boosters has two main products in its portfolio: sleep improvement app Avrora and language learning app Promova. Both are regularly ranked as one of the five best apps in the App Store and Google Play in their categories in over 50 countries worldwide.

“I started working in Genesis ten years ago as a Junior Analyst. First, I headed up the Mobile App Development Team. Next, I became BetterMe's CPO. However, the most significant manifestation of self-realization for me was launching my own business in the ecosystem. Genesis gathers the best people. So, it is possible to complement and adopt the experience, practices, and energy of professional and motivated people. The company culture promotes a constant search for new ideas and achieving results.

The co-founding structure provides infrastructural support for businesses. It means that the founder can worry less about legal support, finances, accounting, partnerships, etc., and focus on growing his/her business, finding the best people for the team, and achieving results. That's why Genesis is a special environment for creating new businesses which so far no one has managed to recreate, at least in Eastern Europe."

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Mykhailo Halian,
CEO of Boosters

Rules of work and values of Genesis

Even though more than three thousand people already work in the company and partner businesses, the “umbrella” structure helps to preserve the startup spirit in the teams. The company's values contribute to it. There are only five of them:

  • focus on the result;
  • commitment to high standards;
  • entrepreneurial spirit;
  • speed;
  • the ability not to give up.

However, ecosystem startups often have their own slightly changed corporate culture and use their own values. Each team has its own pace, atmosphere, key goals, and corporate benefits. 

Typically, all employees work in three- or six-month intervals called episodes. At the end of the period CEOs of startups and the heads of departments sum up, show the results, share goals and plans for the future. Such summaries remind everyone how exactly he/she is involved in the common result.

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Working conditions in Genesis

After the start of the full-scale war, the team worked remotely from different parts of Ukraine and abroad. In Warsaw, they even rented an office for 200 people. It was not difficult to reorganize the work because all online processes have already been honed in two years during the pandemic. Therefore, wherever people who wish to work in Genesis live, the company is always open to dialogue and cooperation.

If you live in Kyiv and like to visit Podil, a cozy Genesis office will always wait for you. The Genesis offices are located near the Taras Shevchenko metro station. Employees who work from the office can order food from one of the corporate suppliers. There is always a lot of fruit in the kitchen: tea, coffee, juice, and snacks. You will never be hungry 🙂

You can also use the services of a corporate doctor or visit a massage session in the office. Every employee has health insurance. It includes, in particular, vaccination against seasonal diseases — influenza and COVID-19.

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Ilya Chupilka,
Communications Manager
I prefer working from the office because it increases my productivity and allows me to plan my time more effectively. Office atmosphere booster my concentration and efficient performance of tasks. The Genesis office has all the conditions for comfortable work: delicious breakfasts and lunches, cozy lounges and many meeting rooms, game zones and coffee shop on the first floor of the business center. Each employee can arrange his own workplace and buy a plant. During air-raid alerts, we go down to the bomb shelter, which has all the conditions for comfortable work. But the biggest advantage is that during coffee meetings with colleagues, we can walk through Podil, because our office is located in the very center of it.

Educational projects for everyone

Life-long learning and development is a part of the Genesis culture. Since 2016, the company has been stimulating the development of the product IT in Ukraine through educational projects for employees, Ukrainian specialists, students and teachers of the universities, as well as for IT entrepreneurs from other European countries.

Among the educational projects of the company:

  • Genesis for Universities — strategic cooperation with universities and support of educational system;
  • Genesis Academy educational opportunities for Ukrainians seeking to develop in the field of product IT;
  • TRMNL4 — an ecosystem of international educational projects for startups in the CEE region;
  • Internal Education — corporate training for employees of the Genesis ecosystem.

Specialists usually look for relevant information and life hacks on Google or in books. Genesis has more options: employees can use the Educational Platform, participate in corporate educational projects and deepen their hard and soft skills, as well as use the power of the community. There are 15 professional learning domains where more than 2,000 employees regularly exchange experience and expertise: Marketing, PR, Content, Design, Product, Analytics, Back-end, DevOps, Front-end, Mobile, QA, Recruiting, as well as Soft Skills, Business and Management.

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Viktoria Prishchepa,
Genesis Internal Education Lead
We create an environment where employees learn and grow throughout the entire period of work in the company. Genesians can be listeners of corporate educational programs, initiate their own performances, and also share expertise with colleagues in the communities. Such system of sharing expertise exists to support each employee in their desire to learn and build a career.

Employees can also study independently if they want or need to. Companies in the Genesis ecosystem compensate (fully or partially) for courses, pay for participation in conferences and subscriptions to professional resources, and offer their own libraries. They can find only up-to-date information there.

Employees of Genesis take full advantage of having a rest

The company does not have a rigid schedule, so night owls and morning larks are allowed to organize a work schedule on their own. Every minute worked in the company is not counted. The result is the main thing that is always taken into account. Everyone has 20 days of paid vacation per year, as well as unlimited sick days.

Previously, corporate events were often held on New Year's Day and the company's birthday. The COVID-19 pandemic changed everything. The loud parties switched to the format of chamber team buildings: someone liked board games, someone liked an art-house movie, and someone liked team lunches. Nowadays, all corporate events are focused on the assistance of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Lately, a charity stand-up was organized. Employees had the opportunity to raise funds for a drone for the Armed Forces. It is worth taking into account that Genesis consists of several companies. Each of them may have its own unique traditions and benefits.

Support for Ukraine since the first days of the full-scale war

For more than two years, Ukrainians have been bravely resisting the full-scale aggression of russia. At the same time, businesses and teams in the Genesis ecosystem, as well as their partners, are helping in this fight. The company directs its efforts and social investments in three key fields:

  • targeted assistance to employees and their relatives who serve in the Defense Forces of Ukraine;
  • education for military leaders — in 2023, Genesis and SKELAR, as well as Universe Group, AMO, appflame and Headway supported and developed the training course "Captains' Training", which was created by the Territorial Defense Forces and the "Come Back Alive" foundation;
  • targeted initiatives to strengthen the military, in particular the "Raise the Booming" and "Armor for Life" projects, which strengthen the graduates of the "Captains' Training" with technical means.

Here are some numbers that show the results of the projects:

UAH 10+ million were spent on protective equipment for Genesians in the army
UAH 30+ million were invested in educational projects for the military
500+ officers successfully completed “Captains' Training” in 2023
50,000+ defenders of Ukraine feel the impact of Genesis ecosystem projects

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Anastasiia Kladova,
Head of CSR Genesis and Head of the Genesis for Ukraine Foundation
We have created the Genesis for Ukraine fund — a convenient tool with which employees can quickly get the necessary help. Thanks to the fund, we provide colleagues and their relatives in the army with ammunition, medicines and other necessary things. We also implement long-term projects to strengthen the Defense Forces, the key KPI of which is the number of saved lives. This helps to gain a strategic advantage and increases the chances of the soldiers to come back home without serious injuries.

By the way, at the beginning of 2024, the training course for officers "Captains' Training" won the first prize from the web portal DOU in the nomination "The Most Powerful Initiative from an IT Company Approaching Victory". Read more about Genesis' support for Ukraine at the link.

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How to become a part of Genesis

Over the years, Genesis has developed a single hiring process that is used by all companies in the ecosystem. Before entering the company, the candidate usually goes through five steps:

  1. Primary screening. A few questions after receiving the CV allow HR to create a minimal portrait of the candidate before the interview.
  2. Interview. Getting to know the manager.
  3. Testing. This step allows the company to assess the professional skills of the person. The candidate can understand whether the vacancy is suitable for him/her and what tasks he/she will have to deal with.
  4. Bar raising. An employee from another business in the ecosystem communicates with the candidate. He/she additionally checks whether the candidate fits the company's values and career ambitions. In Genesis, people are often hired for the foreseeable future. The employees who become proficient in their sphere of engagement quickly can lead teams or departments in a year or two. At this step, it becomes clear whether the candidate fits in with Genesis or not.
  5. Collection of recommendations from previous employers.

Such careful selection allows hiring specialists who will not only be ideally suited to a specific position but also will be able to keep up with the pace of the company’s routine and immerse into the atmosphere of a specific business and grow with it. If a person is ambitious and energetic, he/she can quickly reach a leadership position. Promotions are given to those who, from the first day, show concern, act decisively, and are not afraid to be responsible for results.

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The company's employees often become the co-founders of new businesses. Several heads of ecosystem startups got a job in Genesis. They were able to convince the management of the prospects of their ideas. That is why entrepreneurship is one of the core values of Genesis.

Genesis has its own IT school. It's a course on creating and developing IT products. I got there completely by accident and saw it as a cool opportunity to spend the summer. At that time, I worked in the internal audit of Raiffeisen Bank and was good at either IT or marketing. Six months later, I got a job at the company. I was offered to join a media startup.

I started my career as a junior marketer working with the purchase of traffic for various media projects. Six months later, I became a manager and managed the process of creating various videos on YouTube. Then, I got the position of CEO and started creating educational applications for children.

The Genesis ecosystem values ​​trust and the ability to challenge yourself and your team. It is essential not to be afraid and not to stop because we are building world-class businesses.

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Inna Maksimenko,
CEO of Keiki

Do you want to join one of the teams that creates technology products known worldwide?

Contact Genesis!


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