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Honorary Mentor for Youth Empowerment Program UA at NGO SHL Ukraine

Київ, Львів (Україна) junior, middle
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Учнівство Допомога Життя (SHL Ukraine)

Public tender for the project “Mehr Teilhabe für junge Menschen in der Ukraine” (350)

The NGO SHL Ukraine intends to award service contracts named in the attached description through a public tender. The attached tender, award and contract conditions apply.

Deadline for offers:                                       09.10.2024
End of the award and binding period:      14.10.2024
Start of the service contract:       21.10.2024
Termination of the service contract:         30.06.2025

Places of activity:                                          Kyiv region and Lviv region

Background to the project:

This project focuses on empowering young Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Ukraine by providing tailored educational opportunities through a blended learning approach. It offers two distinct tracks: “Stand Up” seminars for participants aged 14-17 who are new to civic engagement and eager to take their first steps, and “Move On” seminars for participants aged 18-25 who have already gained experience in community initiatives and wish to deepen their involvement.

The program combines online and in-person seminars designed to help young people develop their identities as active citizens, integrating their personal experiences as IDPs. Following the seminars, participants implement their own volunteer actions (“Grants”) within their local communities, fostering a sense of ownership and confidence in their ability to drive positive social change. With the support of mentors who assist in these volunteer actions, the project empowers youth to take an active role in shaping the future of Ukraine.

The project duration is until June 2025.

It is intended to divide the total performance into lots. The scope of the lots is determined as follows:

Lot No.1
ActivityMentoring for “Stand Up Grants” / Mentoring for “Move On Grants” Description

The Mentors will provide targeted support for participants involved in the Stand Up and Move On Seminars. Mentors will serve as primary contacts for program participants, offering advisory support and guidance throughout the project.

Mentors will accompany participants during these implementations to ensure successful execution and will assist in preparing reports to evaluate progress and outcomes. They will help participants navigate the program, manage their projects, and effectively utilize their grants.

Stand Up actions are typically planned and implemented within one month, while Move On actions have a maximum timeframe of three months.

Mentors will receive offline training.


·        Mentors will be available for consultations and assist in planning of one volunteer action (up to ten hours)

·        Mentors will be present during the implementation of the grant (approx. a full day)

·        Mentors will prepare a brief report documenting outcomes and lessons learned (approx. one hour)

Timeframe and Scope

Mentoring Stand Up Grants 1:

·            December 2024/ January 2025

·            10 Grants in total

·            Kyiv region

Mentoring Move On Grants:

·            February-April 2025

·            12 Grants in total

·            Kyiv region

Mentoring Stand Up Grants 2:

·            March/ April 2025

·            10 Grants in total

·            Lviv region

Maximum budget

Mentoring für Stand Up Grants 1          100 € per grant

Mentoring für Stand Up Grants 2          100 € per grant

Mentoring für Move On Grants             100 € per grant

The following requirements apply to the advertised lots, depending on the relevant activity:

  • LOT 1: Mentoring for “Stand Up Grants” / Mentoring for “Move On Grants”
    Mentors for this lot should be young individuals who have previously engaged in volunteer activities and have successfully planned and implemented their own projects. They must provide relatable support to participants throughout their project journeys, including planning, execution, and reporting. Strong interpersonal and communication skills are essential. Additionally, mentors should have experience working with the target group to offer relevant guidance and support.

Mentors should participate in the “Train the Trainer/Mentor” seminar at the end of October.

Mentors should have their residence in the Kyiv or Lviv region.

Conditions of the tender and additional notes:

Please note the above-mentioned deadline for offers and use the above-mentioned contact details to submit your offer. You can submit your offer electronically using the following form (attachment 1). Attach relevant supporting documents from which the fulfillment of the above-mentioned requirements can be assessed.

The requirements mentioned above are used as evaluation criteria for the selection process.

Both natural persons, single entrepreneurs, commercial and non-profit service providers are eligible under this tender.

The bidders who meet the professional requirements can apply for one or more lots and in case the highest score is achieved in several lots, the evaluation of professional expertise will be taken into consideration and the position will be awarded to the bidder who can prove the highest professional expertise for the corresponding lot. Please note that the number of lots that a single bidder can be awarded is limited to two. Applicants are requested to indicate in their application the exact designation of the lot(s) for which they apply.

The awarding criteria are as follows: 50 % Qualification & skills, 50 % Professional experience; 10 points for each category. 10 points are awarded in case the bidders offer exceeds the requirements of the Project, 8 points are awarded for an offer rated as “very good”, 6 points are awarded for an offer rated as “good”, 4 points are awarded for an offer rated as “satisfactory”, 2 points are awarded for an offer rated as “sufficient”. Offers, which either do not meet the minimum requirements of the Project or are rated 0 points in one or both categories for being inadequate will be expelled from the awarding procedure.

By handing in an offer, the bidder declares his/her consent with the conditions of this call.

To prove the eligibility criteria, the following applies:

In order to participate in the selection procedure, on the date of sending the offer the bidder must have the following eligibility requirement and provide proof upon request.

Sending an application is considered confirmation of fulfilling the following requirements:

  • For natural persons
    • No criminal convictions and no measures concerning the application of preventive measures, civil decisions and administrative measures registered in the criminal record or for any crime;
    • Not subjected to criminal proceedings;
    • Fulfil the requirement of independence and no condition of incompatibility or conflict of interest (financial, business, work or other relations) with the Project Stakeholders
  • For legal entities:
    by submitting an offer your company gives a consent that it is not in one of the following situations:
  • It is bankrupt, it is subject to insolvency or winding-up procedures, a liquidator is administering its assets or this is done by a court, it is in an arrangement with creditors, its business activities are suspended or it is in any comparable situation arising from a similar procedure provided for in Union or national law.
  • The company is guilty of serious professional misconduct by violating applicable laws or regulations or ethical standards of the profession to which the company belongs, or by engaging in any misconduct that affects its professional credibility, provided that such conduct is due to intent or gross negligence.
  • The company is guilty of fraud / corruption / conduct related to a criminal organization / money laundering or terrorist financing / terrorist offences or offences related to terrorist activities / child labor or other offences related to human trafficking.
  • It has shown significant deficiencies in compliance with the main obligations in the performance of a contract or an agreement financed by the Union’s budget, which has led to its early termination or to the application of liquidated damages or other contractual penalties, or which has been discovered following checks, audits or investigations by a contracting authority, the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) or the Court of Auditors;
  • The company has created an entity under a different jurisdiction with the intent to circumvent fiscal, social or any other legal obligations in the jurisdiction of its registered office, central administration, or principal place of business.

To submit your bid, please use the following form. Bids that do not contain the following form will be rejected.

Identification of the bidder:

Name of the bidder:

Legal form of the bidder:

  • Natural Person
  • Single Entrepreneur (FOP)
  • Commercial service provider
  • Non-profit service provider

The bid is related to lot no.:

Explanation of the bid:

Cost breakdown and total cost (please indicate if tax applies):

Qualification of the bidder:

Professional experience of the bidder:

Availability for the “Train the Trainer/Mentor’ Seminar” (End of October):Yes/ No

Three Reference persons with contact details:

If applicable: List of supporting documents:

Інформація про вакансію
Опубліковано: 30 вересня 2024
Актуально до: 9 жовтня 2024

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