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22 днів тому

Graphic Designer at Profit Whales

full-time remote middle, senior not-important
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Hello, future whale!

We are a marketing agency — Profit Whales, which helps brands develop their business and scale it on Amazon.

Our team consists of people who are passionate about their work and are always ready to offer non-traditional solutions.

Our company is growing, and we are attracting more and more new clients, while our employees have the opportunity to constantly develop their skills and grow as professionals, increasing their income!

Our main values are openness in the team, constant learning, and not being afraid to propose and implement new ideas.

Currently, we are looking for a talented Graphic Designer to join our team.

What we offer:

  • Flexible working hours — you are the one to decide when to start your working day. Just don’t miss your regular team and clients meetings;
  • Space to grow both professionally and personally — space to grow both professionally and personally. Whatever your dreams and aspirations are, we got you. We have our own training portal, which we are updating.
  • Time-off policy that covers life’s needs — 20 days of vacation, 5 paid sick days for which no sick leave is required, additional days off if various events occur in a person’s life.
  • Teams we are proud of — we build honest, transparent, and reliable relationships within teams. Every person can improve processes and implement their ideas.
  • Welcoming environment — feel empowered with a friendly team, open-door policy, informal atmosphere within the company and regular team-building events;
  • Opportunities — we value our specialists and always find the best options for them. Great scope for implementing your own ideas and influencing products.
  • Lack of bureaucracy — quick resolution of issues, space for the implementation of initiatives and ideas;
  • Fully remote work;
  • Benefits for employees;

What we expect:

  • Availability of an up-to-date portfolio (link to it in the resume);
  • 2+ years of professional experience as a designer in e-commerce;
  • Knowledge and understanding of composition, layout, grid, typography, color, and how these elements impact design;
  • Experience working with Adobe (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign) and Figma;
  • Understanding of marketing metrics and their relationship with design;
  • Effective combination of typography, colors, and graphic techniques;
  • Working with vector and raster graphics;
  • Keeping up with trends and understanding which concepts/elements “sell”;
  • Ability to work with target audience and offer solutions that are in demand;
  • Holistic development of brand design for the product and ability to scale it;
  • Ability to work under time constraints and handle multiple projects simultaneously;
  • High creativity and attention to detail;
  • Ability to create animations.


  • Creating visually appealing concepts for the development and promotion of products on online platforms;
  • Developing and implementing new formats of visual advertising;
  • Working with graphics and illustrations;
  • Creating design materials with an understanding of goals and audience;
  • Developing new advertising templates and implementing them into ad campaigns;
  • Designing graphics for events, websites, social media, and other marketing materials;
  • Redesigning and enhancing existing materials;
  • Developing presentations, infographics, and other materials;
  • Researching and developing design projects.
Інформація про вакансію
Опубліковано: 10 червня 2024
Актуально до: 10 липня 2024

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Що варто знати про Profit Whales

Profit Whales s a full-service marketing agency for Amazon brands, that helps them grow their Amazon business and scale it on and off Amazon. We work with passionate people to challenge conventional thinking and strive to find new ways to accelerate Amazon business for our clients. As our company is growing, and we are attracting more and more clients, our employees get a real chance to constantly develop their skills and grow as professionals, as well as increase their income.
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