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Recruiting Marketing Specialist (SMM + content+creative marketing) at Sigma Software

full-time, remote
Вакансія закрита

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Do you live and breathe social media and know some tips and tricks of how to make your posts better performing? Does writing an informative and engaging message sound like a piece of cake to you? Do you feel that you are full of enthusiasm, creativity, and ideas to drive Recruiting Marketing activities at Sigma Software? Then we invite you to become a Recruiting Marketing Specialist at Sigma Software, a truly creative position where you will have full freedom to implement your ideas and plans.

As a part of this position, you will closely work with the Recruiting and Design teams in creating Recruiting PR campaigns. Your main task will be, in collaboration with the team, to produce smart, personalized, and engaging social content that authentically expresses company culture, helps attract candidates and support overall recruitment goals.

The main goal is to enhance our recruitment marketing strategy by leveraging creative content and new media to target in-demand talent and convince them that they should apply to work in our company.


  • Good knowledge of IT market and tendencies or eagerness to learn about it
  • Strong writing skills and the ability to take an idea from a thought to a full-blown proposal
  • A proven track-record of taking big picture ideas and concepts and creating campaigns that flow through all marketing channels
  • Experience in day-to-day content publishing across all platforms
  • Experience in a collaborative team environment
  • Excellent time management and problem-solving abilities
  • At least Upper-Intermediate level of English


  • Create dynamic job descriptions that reflect the position and its duties in collaboration with Delivery and Recruitment team
  • Plan and implement a recruitment marketing strategy to attract high-quality applicants
  • Plan and manage recruitment media campaigns and newsletters
  • Cooperate with PR and Design teams in content creation for recruitment ads
  • Identify the tactics and platforms that will be most effective in reaching a specific target audience
  • Communicate regularly with Recruitment team to get a clear view of company’s hiring needs and organizational goals
  • Work closely with Recruitment team to develop creative ways for addressing recruitment challenges
  • In collaboration with PR, Design, and other teams work on the redesign of the career website
  • Create weekly vacancy digests for internal and external social media
  • Initiate and lead other recruiting promotional activities
Інформація про вакансію
Опубліковано: 9 листопада 2021
Актуально до: 8 грудня 2021

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