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Specialist on e-HR Solution (Retainer) (part-time) at UNOPS

Управління ООН з обслуговування проектів (UNOPS)
part-time Київ (Ukraine)
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The Project supports the creation of an efficient law-enforcement system respectful of human rights through the provision of necessary support to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the National Police of Ukraine, the State Bureau of Investigations, the Office of Prosecutor General (OPG), Qualification and Disciplinary Commission of Prosecutors.

The current assignment relates to the scope of the Project’s support measures for the OPG. Following the adoption of legislative amendments in September 2019, the OPG identified the key directions of the reform of the prosecutorial service which include structural changes and improvement of business processes, introduction of a modern human resources management system, with merit-based performance evaluation, creation of an electronic criminal case management system, introduction of new standards and work procedures for prosecutors and development of legislative innovations to increase the efficiency of investigation, prosecution and court review. In order to facilitate the implementation of HR-related improvements PRAVO Police, upon the request of the OPG, will recruit a Consultant to deliver advisory support within the scope outlined below.

The Consultant will work under the overall supervision of the Programme Manager, while agreeing and closely coordinating assignments with the authorized representatives of the OPG. She/he will have access to the facilities of the OPG.

The Consultant will ensure that the services delivered to the OPG are in line with relevant national policies and standards within Ukraine and best EU and international practices.

The Consultant’s areas of support can be divided into two major sections:

1) Specialist support on the creation and implementation of the comprehensive eHR solution inclusive of e-Learning system and modules which automate other elements of HR (e.g., performance evaluation, workload management) for the OPG:

– Conducting a needs assessment and formulating the functional requirements for e-HR and e-Learning system

– Analysis of available similar solutions which are used by other national agencies and proposals on feasibility for their full or partial adoption at the OPG

– Development of specifications to procure a commercial service – e-HR solution in the case where the state- owned solutions are not considered suitable.

– Liaising with the National Prosecution Academy of Ukraine (or the Training Centers for Prosecutors) on the parameters for the e-Learning platform and their full integration into the eHR system

– Planning and supporting the delivery (by the external contractor-developer of the identified solution) of training courses to implement new eHR and e-Learning system

– Assisting the OPG with coordinating communication with the company responsible for implementation of the eHR system and initial training on the use of the system for the identified group of prosecutors

The Consultant will deliver these tasks in close coordination with the working group to be established by the OPG.

2) Thematic contribution to capacity development (both human and institutional) of the prosecution offices, through:

– Contributing to a thorough analysis of HR-related business processes within the OPG, regional and local prosecutor offices;

– Advising on internal procedures which may increase the effectiveness of HR processes at the OPG;

– Engaging with OPG personnel who are developing policy guidelines and standard operating procedures and contributing to their work;

– Cooperation with other units and partners dealing with the implementation of other support measures for the OPG which may be relevant for the assignment (e.g., development of a matrix of competencies, development of a Performance Evaluation System for prosecutors, the launch of a new Training Centre for prosecutors and new approaches to the professional development of prosecution service personnel);

For this the Consultant will be expected to:

– Co-locate and work closely with professionals within the OPG, especially the Human Resources and Reforms Department;

– Participate in internal strategic and brainstorming sessions, provide professional input through advice, development of specific products and analytical support (e.g., comparative analysis with other practices);

– Provide advice on building the capacity of the Human Resources and Reforms Department;

Інформація про вакансію
Опубліковано: 17 січня 2020
Актуально до: 21 січня 2020

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