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Configuration Manager at Sigma Software

full-time Львів (Україна)
Вакансія закрита

Здається, ви трохи запізнились

Скоріше за все, ця вакансія закрита, бо вже зробила чиїсь понеділки щасливими.
Але не засмучуйтесь — у нас є що вам запропонувати!
Подивіться інші відкриті можливості на сайті.


We invite an experienced Configuration Manager for maintaining virtual infrastructure services and investigations of new possibilities of developing, improvement, and automation virtual infrastructure tasks. If you have experience in a similar position and desire to develop, we invite you to join our professional team!


  • Experience in administrating:
    • Linux OS – strong skills + work with bash and other script languages
    • Windows OS – optional
  • VM management:
    • VmWare vSphere or similar
    • Cloud AWS/MS Azure – optional
  • Administrating and troubleshooting experience:
    • LAMP, etc. – services
    • MySQL/PostgreSQL – basic
    • FreeIPA/IDM – preferable
    • Atlassian Jira/Confluence/Bitbucket, etc. (server/cloud)
  • Knowledge:
    • Networking
    • LDAP и MS AD
    • DNS servers
    • Version Control systems
  • At least Intermediate level of English


  • Stock-keeping of software and hardware related to software engineering on the projects and managing of hardware usage
  • Monitoring the usage of server resources allocated to software engineering, including registration of the disk space used generally and by data and projects to which these data belong, as well as determining the quota, analysis of activity logs, and other necessary monitoring of servers
  • Assisting project teams with installation and configuration of project related software on external (customer’s) infrastructure upon request of a Project Manager
  • User’s right management on project environments
  • Maintaining regular monitoring and updating of the physical and virtual infrastructure
  • Bug tracking and version control systems management: right management, branch management, tag management, and management of other elements
  • Improvement and support of automatic and automated software engineering processes, including setup and maintenance of automated integration systems
  • Development and improvement of scripts and mini-applications aimed at improvement and simplification of activities related to the work of the configuration manager and to software engineering
  • Maintaining, performing, monitoring backup and restore tasks and keeping backup procedures going on automated basis


  • Diversity of Domains & Businesses
  • Variety of technology
  • Health & Legal support
  • Active professional community
  • Continuous education and growing
  • Flexible schedule
  • Remote work
  • Outstanding offices (if you choose it)
  • Sports and community activities
Інформація про вакансію
Опубліковано: 25 квітня 2022
Актуально до: 25 травня 2022

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Що варто знати про Sigma Software

Sigma Software — це шведська компанія з українським корінням, яка надає послуги з ІТ-консалтингу. Серед її клієнтів — стартапи, продуктові компанії та корпорації у 10+ бізнес-доменах з усього світу: від Австралії до Західного узбережжя США.
На жаль, ця компанія ще не має повного профілю на Happy Monday

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