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Shelter & Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Technical Advisor (Ukraine, Kyiv) at Global Communities

hybrid Київ (Україна)
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Ця вакансія є частиною спецпроєкту Work Stability for Ukrainians
Проєкт допомоги в працевлаштуванні українцям, які постраждали внаслідок війни, що реалізується в межах Програми ООН із відновлення та розбудови миру за фінансування ЄС

Global Communities is seeking a qualified Shelter & Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Technical Advisor to provide technical oversight for all Global Communities-supported Shelter & WASH activities in Ukraine in close consultation with the Program Director. This will include responding to the Shelter and WASH needs of those affected by the conflict in Ukraine through local partners. The role is responsible for overseeing the implementation of Shelter & WASH activities under sub awardees in Ukraine, providing technical guidance through targeted technical assistance, training, and capacity building to partners, and ensuring a harmonized approach across the country. The Shelter & WASH Technical Advisor will oversee the Shelter and WASH Technical Officers and will report to the Program Director.



  • Provide strategic vision, guidance, and supervision of the Ukraine Shelter & WASH portfolio.
  • Provide oversight and support to the implementation of partner Shelter & WASH activities.
  • Oversee both the Shelter and WASH program workplan, ensuring that programs are being implemented on schedule.
  • Coordinate with M&E team for regular monitoring of activities to ensure quality of services and minimum standards, by completing monitoring reports and providing regular feedback to staff and the Partnership Team.
  • Compile and review reports as required by the donor, capturing activities’ progress, lessons learned, community needs and reconcile against activities planned and quality standards.
  • Support the Partnership Team in the capacity building of Shelter & WASH partners and other stakeholders through guidance and training on Shelter & WASH topics as required to meet identified needs.


  • Develop an integrated Shelter & WASH strategy for CLEAR, including drafting and/or revising Standard Operating Procedures and other guidance to ensure all programming is in line with Global Communities’, donor, and international policies and best practices.
  • Identify Shelter & WASH needs through desk reviews, leading needs assessments, and reviewing partner structural assessments.
  • Developing and reviewing GC and partner technical specifications, drawings, and BoQs based on identified needs.
  • Ensure all activities run according to minimum standards and best practices and are appropriate for the context, in line with minimum standards and humanitarian principles.
  • Ensure the quality of data collection and oversee the compilation of reports
  • Oversee quality control and assurance of Shelter & WASH activities
  • Ensure compliance with donor requirements on safety measure and environmental assessments
  • Coordinate with Safe & Accountable Programming (SAP) staff to mainstream Safeguarding, Protection Mainstreaming, and Gender, Age, & Social Inclusion (GASI) best practices throughout protection programming.

Internal Coordination

  • Lead regular Shelter & WASH coordination meetings, information sharing and learning between teams and partners, where relevant.
  • Coordinate with security, finance, logistics, and other relevant departments as appropriate.

External Coordination & Representation

  • Actively engage with the relevant coordination groups to ensure programming aligns with the priorities of the humanitarian response and initiatives.
  • Represent or delegate appropriate representation of Global Communities at relevant cluster/sector working group meetings as appropriate, including the WASH Cluster, Shelter Cluster, CCCM Cluster, and promote strong inter-cluster programming.
  • Engage with relevant authorities and Government representatives to understand and coordinate with available services
  • Represent Global Communities at donor meetings and maintain close relationships with donors through dependability and quick response to donor requests and questions.
  • Build Global Communities’ Shelter and WASH profiles by contributing to regional and global technical discussions, promoting Global Communities-developed tools and guidance, and publishing key success stories.
  • All other job-related duties as assigned by supervisor.


  • A bachelor’s degree or equivalent experience is required; degree in Civil Engineering, Architecture, or other relevant course, a graduate or post-graduate degree is highly preferred.
  • A minimum of 4 years’ prior experience working in humanitarian emergency, conflict, post-conflict, or post-disaster settings.
  • Experience working with Shelter and WASH projects in a humanitarian/recovery context.
  • Experience in conducting field assessments, coordinating focus groups, and ensuring community participatory approaches in project design, implementation and monitoring.
  • Experience implementing in complex and dynamic contexts.
  • Experience developing technical guidance in line with humanitarian and international standards, including SPHERE minimum standards.
  • Familiarity with USAID/BHA Shelter and WASH requirements.
  • Experience in capacity building of host country staff in programmatic, leadership and management skills.
  • Commitment to the humanitarian principles and Do No Harm.
  • Demonstrated ability to build and maintain effective working relationships with donors, project stakeholders, in-country collaborators, and staff at all levels of the organization.
  • Exemplary time management, multi-tasking skills, and attention to detail necessary to meet deadlines and coordinate multiple projects in a fast-paced environment.
  • A team player who can work collaboratively and with people of diverse backgrounds.
  • A strong understanding of the Ukraine context.
  • Ability to work both in an advisory and a hands-on implementation capacity.
  • Computer literacy, familiarity with word processing, excel and PowerPoint is required.
  • Excellent writing and presentation skills.
  • Ability and willingness to travel (up to 25%) to difficult and challenging environments for trips ranging from one to six weeks.
  • Professional proficiency in written and spoken English, and Ukrainian and/or Russian. Must be able to read and interpret documents, and communicate with others as necessary to perform job duties effectively.

Global Communities is committed to ensuring a safe and respectful environment for all staff, representatives, partners, participants, and anyone with whom Global Communities interacts worldwide, especially children and adults at risk.

Інформація про вакансію
Опубліковано: 4 серпня 2022
Актуально до: 12 серпня 2022

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Будь ласка, увійдіть або зареєструйтесь, щоб побачити деталі.
Цю вакансію розміщено в межах Work Stability for Ukrainians — проєкту допомоги в працевлаштуванні українцям, які постраждали внаслідок війни, що реалізується ГО «Професіонали майбутнього» за сприяння ПРООН у межах Програми ООН із відновлення та розбудови миру за фінансування Європейського Союзу.
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Організація «Глобал Ком’юнітіз», раніше відома як CHF International, – це міжнародна неприбуткова організація, яка тісно працює з громадами по всьому світу, щоб запровадити сталі зміни, які покращуватимуть життя вразливих груп. Організація «Глобал Ком’юнітіз» реагує на кризу в Україні, надаючи гуманітарну допомогу через заходи реагування під керівництвом громади. Заходи реагування організації «Глобал Ком’юнітіз» покликані рятувати життя, зменшувати страждання, забезпечувати нагальні потреби, водночас підтримуючи громади в їх власному реагуванні та допомагаючи їм у відновленні.
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