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EducationUSA Junior Adviser at American Councils for International Education

American Councils for International Education: ACTR/ACCELS
full-time hybrid Київ (Україна)
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Ця вакансія є частиною спецпроєкту Work Stability for Ukrainians
Проєкт допомоги в працевлаштуванні українцям, які постраждали внаслідок війни, що реалізується в межах Програми ООН із відновлення та розбудови миру за фінансування ЄС

The EducationUSA Junior Adviser is responsible for promoting the EducationUSA network in Ukraine and provides basic advising to all inquiring students, parents, and professionals. The incumbent reports to the EducationUSA Ukraine Manager.

The position is a full-time, 40 hours a week permanent position.


  • Delivers basic in-person and virtual advising on the educational opportunities in the U.S. to students, parents, and professionals.
  • Coordinates all daily aspects of virtual and in-person outreach and promotion of the EducationUSA and its activities Ukraine-wide such as www.americancouncils.org.ua, www.educationusa.org.ua, www.educationusa.state.gov, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and others.
  • Develops weekly web and social media campaigns and newsletters to inform the clients about all the EducationUSA Ukraine events.
  • Develops annual U.S. Education Fair marketing campaign, processes payments, and communicates with service providers.
  • Develops marketing campaigns, as assigned.
  • Assists EducationUSA with the maintenance of cohort advising programs, as assigned.  
  • Serves as a librarian and maintains EducationUSA library database and listserves.
  • Performs EducationUSA representative tasks, as assigned.
  • Designs presentations in Prezi, PowerPoint, and other platforms.
  • Maintains a supply of handouts and other informational and promo materials.
  • Takes incoming calls, and helps clients to navigate through EducationUSA web platforms, activities, services, and appointments. 
  • Assists other EducationUSA staff members, as assigned.
  • Researches and implements new technologies and platforms to benefit EAC’s mission.


  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent, or in the last year of studies.
  • Verbal and written fluency in English and Ukrainian and/or Russian.
  • Preference will be given to applicants with experience with the U.S. educational system and/or U.S. Department of State educational exchange program(s).
  • High level of attention to detail.
  • Excellent time management, planning and implementation, analytical, and computer/internet skills.
  • Knowledge of video recording and editing equipment and programs.
  • Experience in photography and graphic design is a plus. 
  • Knowledge of and interest in the U.S. higher education system.
  • Cross-cultural skills, especially in the area of communication.
  • Ability to forge and develop connections and work cooperatively with partners and stakeholders from various sectors including higher education communities, government, and private companies.
  • Willingness to travel occasionally and work non-traditional hours (evenings/weekends).


Submit a cover letter with a current resume before the closing date. Applications submitted later than August 15, 2022, will not be considered.

Інформація про вакансію
Опубліковано: 10 серпня 2022
Актуально до: 15 серпня 2022

Як відгукнутись на вакансію?

Будь ласка, увійдіть або зареєструйтесь, щоб побачити деталі.
Цю вакансію розміщено в межах Work Stability for Ukrainians — проєкту допомоги в працевлаштуванні українцям, які постраждали внаслідок війни, що реалізується ГО «Професіонали майбутнього» за сприяння ПРООН у межах Програми ООН із відновлення та розбудови миру за фінансування Європейського Союзу.
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Що варто знати про American Councils for International Education: ACTR/ACCELS

The world’s most successful institutions and determined nations work with American Councils for International Education through cultural exchange, language training, and professional development. Since 1974, our educational portfolio has grown to include 85 countries important to national security, prosperity, and peace. Our programs are backed by thorough research to ensure their quality and integrity. Our participants represent a spectrum of learners, from high school through the postdoctoral and professional level. To date, we have built a community of more than 89,000 alumni, including national leaders, ministers, members of parliament, ambassadors, and CEOs.
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