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Database Management System Officer at Global Communities

office Київ (Україна)
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Ця вакансія є частиною спецпроєкту Work Stability for Ukrainians
Проєкт допомоги в працевлаштуванні українцям, які постраждали внаслідок війни, що реалізується в межах Програми ООН із відновлення та розбудови миру за фінансування ЄС

Global Communities is a global development organization committed to working in partnership with communities worldwide to bring about sustainable, impactful changes that improve the lives and livelihoods of the vulnerable. Development is not something we do for people; it is something we do with them. We believe that the people who understand their needs best are the people of the community itself. Global Communities, with its more than 60-years’ experience in over 80 countries, has the commitment to be a strong part of the humanitarian response to Ukraine  by building up the capacity of vulnerable groups and strengthening their resilience to improve their living conditions with a long-lasting, positive and community-based change. 


The data management system officer will be responsible for managing all data management systems for multiple programs, bringing together and being the liaison for all departments that allow the data flow seamlessly and be synced between all departments (M&E, Programs, etc.). He /She will liaise between the different departments, manage and troubleshoot the system.  

The Data Management Officer who will also manage the routine data and quality control and drive effective data utilization. The officer, in addition, to troubleshoot the system he/she will contribute, coaching, and support in-country capacity building. The role will require a versatile individual with a high-level database and system management techniques with IT background with an understanding of program management 



  • Managing all data management systems for multiple programs, bringing together and being the liaison for all departments that allow the data flow seamlessly and be synced between all departments (M&E, Programs, Etc) 
  • Manage routine data, including data cleaning and entry in the GC software platform ( device magic and Podio) to ensure completeness and quality 
  • Report any errors identified during data review to appropriate team members and assist in resolving issues and with guidance from appropriate team leads, build new components of a database , data collection, and aggregation tools in the system 
  • Liaise between different departments, manage and troubleshoot the system. 
  • Enter the required data into the specific and validated reporting database and manage the routine data and quality control and drive effective data utilization 
  • Keep tracking device magic and Podio entries and verify the accuracy and correctness of the data and develop fixes and enhance the Programmes and other department databases 
  • Check the quality of the data to be entered and inform the immediate supervisor of any problems; report any problems that can affect data quality (accuracy, completeness, relevance, punctuality (timeliness) and clarity). 
  • Troubleshoot the system, coaching, and support in-country capacity building for the different department on data and system management 
  • Data Reporting using Power BI. 
  • Train program and partner staff on basic data and system management and  organizational data management system  
  • Train partner staff  
  • Other duties as assigned by supervisor. 



IT background is required and minimum 3 years of relevant professional experience in a similar setting and capacity  


  • Excellent data and system management skill  
  • Excellent knowledge of computer programing language  
  • Excellent IT skills (Microsoft Office, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)-, the programming language in Excel, Java, and HTML) 
  • Knowledge of online, open-source data collection tools and approaches and or database environment and/or project management software ( Kobo Toolbox, Device magic, Mobaniz, Podio, Open MRS, ODK, CommCare, CSPro, Microsoft Project, etc .) 
  • Excellent organizational and communication skills and teamwork-oriented. 
  • Excellent analytical, problem-solving and organization skills. 
  • Very good in written and verbal English and Ukrainian is required. Must be able to read and interpret documents, and communicate with others as necessary to perform job duties effectively 
  • Ability to travel as required within Ukraine . 
  • Ability to work under pressure and manage personal stress levels. 
  • The sense of neutrality and ability to work across Ukraine, in cooperation with all parties to the conflict. 
  • Previous experience in field offices is a plus. 


Interested candidates are asked to send CVs and Cover letters. Interviews will be conducted on a rolling basis. Position is open until filled.

Global Communities is committed to ensuring a safe and respectful environment for all staff, representatives, partners, participants, and anyone with whom Global Communities interacts worldwide, especially children and adults at risk.

Інформація про вакансію
Опубліковано: 2 грудня 2022
Актуально до: 31 грудня 2022

Як відгукнутись на вакансію?

Будь ласка, увійдіть або зареєструйтесь, щоб побачити деталі.
Цю вакансію розміщено в межах Work Stability for Ukrainians — проєкту допомоги в працевлаштуванні українцям, які постраждали внаслідок війни, що реалізується ГО «Професіонали майбутнього» за сприяння ПРООН у межах Програми ООН із відновлення та розбудови миру за фінансування Європейського Союзу.
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Що варто знати про Global Communities

Організація «Глобал Ком’юнітіз», раніше відома як CHF International, – це міжнародна неприбуткова організація, яка тісно працює з громадами по всьому світу, щоб запровадити сталі зміни, які покращуватимуть життя вразливих груп. Організація «Глобал Ком’юнітіз» реагує на кризу в Україні, надаючи гуманітарну допомогу через заходи реагування під керівництвом громади. Заходи реагування організації «Глобал Ком’юнітіз» покликані рятувати життя, зменшувати страждання, забезпечувати нагальні потреби, водночас підтримуючи громади в їх власному реагуванні та допомагаючи їм у відновленні.
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