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Senior expert on trade promotion activities at Entrepreneurship and export promotion office

full-time hybrid Київ (Україна) senior advanced
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Senior expert on trade promotion activities

The EU-funded Project “EU4Business: SME Policies and Institutions Support in Ukraine” (SMEPIS)” is aimed at ensuring sustainable and equitable wartime/post-war economic recovery of Ukraine through streamlined SME-friendly policy and regulatory frameworks and more resilient business support ecosystems.

The SMEPIS Project is looking for a qualified Senior expert on trade promotion activities, who is expected to be intensively engaged (full time) with the State Institution “Entrepreneurship and Export Promotion Office” until mid-July 2025.

The expert is required to carry out the following activities:

–        Establishing cooperation with international business partners: chambers of commerce and industry and relevant associations, consultants in identifying trade opportunities for Ukrainian companies

–        Providing advice on export activities (search for partners, participation in trade events, partnership negotiations, etc.)

–        Coordination and communication with key stakeholders on the development of export activities

–        Search for opportunities for organization and/or participation of Ukrainian producers in trade events;

–        Supporting SME partners to identify and develop networking opportunities, both within and outside of Ukraine, that improve their business internationalization.

–        Coordination of the EEPO’s work in the field of preparation and delivery of trade events (trade/road shows, participation in trade fairs, exhibitions, outbound and inband trade missions, etc.), training and mentoring of EEPO’s trade events’ consultants, creating and holding national pavilions of Ukraine;

–        Participation in strategic sessions of EEPO, team meetings and training as needed.

Qualifications and skills

  • Degree in international relations, economics, foreign trade, public service, or another related field;
  • At least 7 years of professional experience in organisation/facilitation of participation at international trade shows, business missions, and similar export promotion activities; Experience in export promotion in multiple sectors is an asset;
  • Strong analytical, management, and communication skills;
  • Experience in project and team management and development/implementation of policies and strategies;
  • Experience with international technical support projects is an asset;
  • PC literacy (PowerPoint, Project, Excel, Word; Visio is an asset);
  • Fluency in Ukrainian and English.

To apply for this position, please submit your CV in Europass template and letter of motivation in English through 23rd August 2023

Інформація про вакансію
Опубліковано: 17 серпня 2023
Актуально до: 23 серпня 2023

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