DVV International Ukraine

IT сервісні

DVV International is the Institute for International Cooperation of the Deutscher Volkshochschul- Verband e.V. (DVV), the German Adult Education Association. DVV represents the interests of the approximately 900 adult education centres (Volkshochschulen - VHS) and their state associations, the largest further education providers in Germany.
As the leading professional organisation in the field of adult learning & education (ALE) and development cooperation, DVV International has committed itself to promote the right for lifelong learning worldwide and has been implementing country programs of development cooperation in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe for more than 50 years. DVV International strengthens national ALE-systems in partner countries and provides support for the establishment and development of sustainable structures for youth and adult education. The project approach of DVV International targets improved conditions in policy, legislation and financing (macro level) as well as promotion of professionalisation in practice and theory of ALE (meso level) and requires cooperation both with government institutions such as ministries as well as with civil society organisations, universities, and other educational providers. By supporting our partners (usually, adult education centres), in developing and piloting exemplary concrete learning offers (micro level), especially for disadvantaged population groups, we create best practice and evidence of the benefit of ALE.
DVV International finances its work through funds from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the German Federal Foreign Office, the European Union, etc.

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