In 2015 IOHK founders, Charles Hoskinson and Jeremy Wood, set out to cause cascading disruption, committed to using peer-to-peer innovations to provide financial services to the three billion people who don’t have them. They knew back then that they had to first create a place that was designed to enable such unprecedented ambition. A place where incredibly talented individuals are actually empowered to put their best work into the hands of millions of people to build on and explore new ways of working together. As IOHK continues to grow, we hope that these principles will serve each new person joining our ranks.
Each and every role in our business is of equal importance to us. To that end we are searching for individuals across all functions who display strong analytical skills and are constantly seeking to learn new technologies & solve complex problems. As a distributed team advanced communication skills and the ability to integrate seamlessly as a team member across different areas of the organisation is essential; as is resourcefulness and self motivation. Our people are curious and passionate about their work and we encourage an inclusive and collaborative environment where we support each other in knowledge sharing and personal growth. As a distribute team we use a variety of online communication on a daily basis and keep connected via Trello, Slack, GitHub, Hangouts.
«Навчай для України» — це освітня організація, яка з 2017 року залучає найкращих випускників і талановитих молодих спеціалістів різних галузей до вчителювання у школах у маленьких населених пунктах України.
«Клуб Добродіїв» — всеукраїнський благодійний фонд, який допомагає дітям-сиротам і дітям, що опинились у складних життєвих обставинах.
Transparency International Ukraine — антикорупційна українська громадська організація, акредитований представник глобального руху Transparency International. Команда понад 10 років робить Україну сильнішою, сприяючи зниженню рівня корупції.