Established in 2009, JEVERA provides high-end business solutions and software engineering services. JEVERA employs 70 and more IT professionals at two technical development centers in Ukraine. JEVERA propagates engineering approach to key business drivers, instead of concentrating only on technical cases. Company builds relationship with clients as trusted partners worldwide by delivery of high-end enterprise solutions, products creation and development, going deeply into startup technology partnership. Lean and Agile processes and methodologies together with productive work environment help you to know how to make your business case alive together with sustainable life-cycle for your product.
WOW24-7 — аутсорсингова компанія, що надає бізнесу послуги з підтримки клієнтів.
DataArt — глобальна компанія з розробки програмного забезпечення та надійний технологічний партнер для лідерів ринку.
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