Spendbase is the one-stop shop for optimizing your spending on cloud and software subscriptions.
From vendor negotiations to SaaS operations, our philosophy is plain and simple: maximize the return on the software you already own. Get the best software deals, increase adoption of your current stack, take control of your renewals and more.
🚀 Grew to 80+ employees in just a year and a half Spendbase insights from HR🤫 www.notion.so/...a209992a0 🦄 We are Spendbasians and we believe in our product 🚀 We scale fast That means our Products & our Team & People inside the Team are growing together. 👁 We have a startup mindset To create a world where everything is possible if you are brave enough! See you in our team!
WOW24-7 — аутсорсингова компанія, що надає бізнесу послуги з підтримки клієнтів.
DataArt — глобальна компанія з розробки програмного забезпечення та надійний технологічний партнер для лідерів ринку.
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