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Strategist at Fedoriv Agency

full-time hybrid Київ (Україна) senior upper
Вакансія закрита

Здається, ви трохи запізнились

Скоріше за все, ця вакансія закрита, бо вже зробила чиїсь понеділки щасливими.
Але не засмучуйтесь — у нас є що вам запропонувати!
Подивіться інші відкриті можливості на сайті.


We are looking for a strategist.
Requirements: an analytical mindset, the ability to quickly and systematically gather information during a conversation with the owner of the company or its users. Transform the information received into tasks, briefs, or vice versa – tools for completing them. Understand how brands work, why they are created, and how to create them. Not only from books or courses, but also from practical experience.
We are looking for a person who can and wants to work. Not just for social media appearances, a line on a resume, or merchandise, but to create new things and improve existing ones. And yes, we offer a flexible schedule and a competitive salary.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Develop brand strategies to achieve objectives and build brand positioning
  • Analyse client, their requests and conduct researches
  • Identify insights from research and analysis to inform brand strategy development
  • Facilitate strategic sessions with clients to identify goals and objectives
  • Perform audience analysis (quantitative/qualitative) to understand customer needs and behaviors
  • Support the client in brand management, including tracking metrics and making  recommendations for improvement.
  • Create stunning presentations and pitch the clients

Hard Skills:

  • Portfolio of brand-building projects
  • The ability to gather information from clients and translate it into tasks for oneself and the team.
  • Expertise in developing brand strategies, positioningcommunication strategies, and communication briefs (knowing the difference between them 😉)
  • Expertise in conducting quantitative and qualitative research.
  • Brand management, including creating and managing dashboards and tracking image and performance metrics

Soft Skills:

  • Engineering thinking. To approach problems and decision-making with the analytical mindset and systematic methodologies
  • Collaboration. You will be part of a team, even if you sometimes wish you weren’t.
  • Curiosity and empathy. You will try to get into the heads of the target audience, not just sell them stuff.
  • Accuracy and critical thinking. It’s not enough to have data. You need to know what to do with it.
  • Communication. You need to talk to executives, creative teams, and everyone in between.
  • Presentation skills. If you can’t sell your ideas, then why are we even talking?
Опубліковано: 13 лютого 2024
Актуально до: 13 березня 2024

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Що варто знати про Fedoriv Agency

Привіт! Ми — Fedoriv Agency. Ми створюємо і розвиваємо бренди, які допомагають бізнесу радикально зростати. Для цього ми розробили унікальний підхід, в якому поєднується креатив, технології й бізнес. Ми знаходимо інноваційні, швидкі, рентабельні й ефективні рішення будь-яких задач. Ми співпрацюємо з масштабними українськими та закордонними клієнтами, а у нашій команді зібрані найкращі таланти.
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