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Digital Production Coordinator до Посольства Сполучених Штатів Америки в Україні

full-time hybrid, office Київ (Україна) middle $22252 / рік advanced
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Додати побажання

Deadline for applications: July 15, 2024


The Digital Production Coordinator (DPC) is responsible for the production of all visual and multimedia elements of Mission public engagement, including the design, creation, and acquisition of customized visual and multimedia content that is disseminated online, in person, or via traditional broadcast channels. Creates compelling visual content for all Mission outreach materials by assessing visual aspects of the Ukrainian media environment, public preferences for visual content formats and dissemination channels, and the impact of Mission visual materials. Major duties and responsibilities of the job include but are not limited to: implementation of all visual and multimedia products for Embassy engagement with Ukrainian publics; strategic planning, analysis, evaluation and recommendations; intra- and interagency cooperation and administrative functions.



Five (5) years of experience in digital marketing, advertising, or mass communications. including design or multimedia content creation. Must have experience as an advanced end-user of industry standard desktop and mobile software applications. (Note: Candidates who advance will have to provide samples of original work demonstrating visual and multimedia design competence).


Associate’s degree in design, advertising, mass communications or two years of full-time university studies is required.


Fluent (writing/speaking/reading) English

Fluent (writing/speaking/reading) Ukrainian


Analytic skills, excellent communication and interpersonal skills to create and adapt visual, audio and printed material in English and Ukrainian; management skills to be able to plan, prioritize, and manage multiple projects; technical skills and detailed knowledge of multiple formats, digital tools, and platforms for visual content creation, editing (audio, visual, multimedia, and graphic). Must be able to create and use photo and video sharing sites, podcast creation tools, video and other digital products, must be highly skilled in the use of digital software, content databases, and reporting tools.


Must have strong creative skills and detailed knowledge of audio and video production, graphic design, and other visual content creation. General knowledge of digital promotion techniques, audience analysis and analytics, and customer service standards. Must understand how online digital properties and communities function; trends in regional and international communications patterns and how they affect the Ukrainian communications landscape. Must have knowledge of audio visual equipment.

We offer:

  • Stability
  • Competitive salary
  • Regular working hours (40 hours per week, 8 hours per day)
  • Comfortable office
  • Medical insurance for the employee and dependents (spouse and children)
  • Life insurance
  • Paid annual and sick leave
  • Military exemption for male employees
  • Training and professional development
  • Holiday days off (both Ukrainian and American holidays)
Інформація про вакансію
Опубліковано: 1 липня 2024
Актуально до: 15 липня 2024

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