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Senior Advisor (Management and Organizational Development) at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

full-time hybrid Київ (Україна) senior upper
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Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in Ukraine is seeking qualified professional for the program “Stregthening of Urban Resilience in the Areas of Supply Infrastructure and Housing” in its office in Kyiv to fill the position of the:

Senior Advisor (Management and Organizational Development) (full-time, Kyiv)

(internal SAP code: Senior Organizational Development and Management Advice Advisor)

The program “Stregthening of Urban Resilience in the Areas of Supply Infrastructure and Housing” (SUR), initiated by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), is dedicated to rebuilding essential urban infrastructure in Ukraine’s war-affected regions.

The program’s primary objectives include the reconstruction of basic infrastructure, enhancing digital and planning competencies in local administrations for efficient damage assessment and infrastructure planning, and implementing disaster risk management strategies to bolster resilience against current and future crises. Measures of the program focus on restoring critical services such as drinking water, electricity, heating, and housing in cities severely impacted by the conflict.

In alignment with the EU’s 2030 urban, climate, and energy policies, the SUR program contributes to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that focus on ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all (SDG 7), building resilient infrastructure, promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and fostering innovation (SDG 9), and making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable (SDG 11). It works in synergy with other GIZ initiatives like ISU II, U-LEAD, and FEER to enhance urban resilience and essential services across Ukrainian municipalities.

Core task:
The project is implemented through two components: one focusing on advising municipalities and partner institutions (Component 1), and the other leading construction activities (Component 2). The Heads of Components work together with the Program Director and project management team in Germany.

The implementation of project components is facilitated through Regional Liaison Offices strategically positioned in Poltava, Zaporizhzia, and Odessa, targeting regions in Ukraine that have been notably impacted by the war. Each Regional Liaison Office is under the guidance of a dedicated Regional Coordinator to ensure effective coordination and execution of activities on the ground.

Component 1 benefits from the support of an Advisory Unit and an Administrative Unit, both situated within the Main Office located in Kyiv. This centralized hub provides essential resources and expertise to aid in advisory and administrative functions critical to the success of initiatives carried out by the Regional Coordinators in the three regions.

Component 2 is equipped with Construction Engineers and an Administrative Specialist, also stationed in Kyiv, to manage and oversee construction-related activities. Additionally, a Back Office in Lviv serves as a contingency resource, accessible during emergencies and for maintaining business continuity, enhancing the project’s resilience to unforeseen challenges.

The Operations Manager’s core task is to coordinate the Main Office in Kyiv and serve as a liaison between the management team in Germany and the Regional Offices.

Main areas of activity:

The Senior Advisor (Management and Organizational Development) plays a pivotal role in overseeing the Main Office in Kyiv and serves as an integral member of the SUR management team. The key responsibilities encompass:

  • Coordinating and maintaining communication channels with political partners in Ukraine, including providing support to the Program Director.
  • Handling the registration of commissions (change offers) with political partners in Ukraine.
  • Supervising the utilization and ensuring quality assurance of ongoing operations, with particular emphasis on the efficient usage and maintenance of the project management system, onsite Operations.
  • Overseeing Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) activities to ensure effective project performance assessment.
  • Preparation of comprehensive internal and external reports, catering to both internal needs and those of BMZ.
  • Contributing to the development and facilitation of content and communication materials to inform the public in Ukraine, Germany and beyond about SUR and its impact.
  • Coordination of the national team, alongside managing the administrative specialist and back office.
  • Collaborating closely with the Country Office and other programs in the Cluster to maintain alignment and synergy across measures implemented by SUR.

Required qualifications:

The ideal candidate for the Senior Advisor (Management and Organizational Development) Position possesses the following qualifications:

  • Demonstrated proficiency in project management methodologies, including financial management, procurement, and administrative processes within program or portfolio management contexts at GIZ. Experience with GIZ’s project management system onsite Operations is highly desirable.
  • Strong background in procurement and financial management, including experience with procurement of services and goods, grants, budgeting and financial monitoring.
  • Ability to think strategically and align project activities with broader program objectives. Knowledge of Capacity Works and project management principles is an additional asset.
  • Excellent communication and leadership skills, with a proven ability to lead diverse teams and effectively engage with stakeholders. Fluency in English is required. Fluency in German is a plus.
  • Exceptional analytical and problem-solving skills, with a proactive approach to identifying and addressing project challenges. Keen interest in thematic issues, commission management, and business development processes. Proactive approach to identifying opportunities for program improvement and innovation is a plus.
  • Demonstrated cultural sensitivity and adaptability, with the ability to work effectively in multicultural environments and navigate cross-cultural dynamics.

We offer:

  • Official employment.
  • Salary fixed in EUR.
  • Performance-related bonuses and 13th salary.
  • Medical insurance.
  • 29 vacation days annually.
  • Language classes.
  • Hard and soft skills trainings.
  • Individual and group psychological support.
  • Possible remote and flexible work.
  • Meaningful and valuable work, international environment.

Employment conditions

Full-time position with 40-hours working week. The place of assignment is Kyiv. The contract duration is until 31.12.2026. Starting as soon as possible.

GIZ is an equal opportunity employer and offers an attractive and challenging working environment with opportunities for skill enhancement.


Application comprising of the candidate’s CV and a cover letter in the English language explaining the motivation to apply for the job is to be sent until July 19, 2024, Friday.

By sending the application the candidate gives the consent for the personal data processing for recruitment processes solely.

Інформація про вакансію
Опубліковано: 5 липня 2024
Актуально до: 2 серпня 2024

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