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Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) Lead at DAI Global LLC

full-time hybrid, office Київ, Львів (Україна) senior, top upper, advanced
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The Investment for Business Resilience (IBR) Activity, (formerly known as the Financial Sector Reform Activity), is a five-year program funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and managed by DAI Global LLC (DAI). The purpose of the Activity is to support systemic changes in Ukraine’s economy and to increase the supply of finance available to Ukrainian businesses. IBR aims to transform the country’s financial sector into a sophisticated, well-functioning, competitive market that is aligned with European Union (EU) standards and integrated into international financial systems. At the same time, the IBR will support the transformation of Ukraine’s financial sector and work to mobilize private finance for sustained economic growth in Ukraine.

 The IBR is looking for candidates to fill in the Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) Lead position, LTTA in Kyiv or Lviv


The Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) Lead manages all aspects of the monitoring and reporting system, including modifications and further development of the Activity Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Plan (AMELP). He/she manages a small MEL team and reports to the Chief of Party (COP) while working closely with the Component Leads and grants staff. The Lead will update the AMELP and provide quarterly updates on AMELP indicators and progress toward achievement of key results as agreed in the AMELP and the annual work plans (AWP). The Lead will develop and refine M&E within AWPs with Component Leads to ensure that activities in the AWP have baselines and targets for the appropriate levels (input, output, outcome, impact). The Lead will work with the technical and grants team to ensure that each award has measurable performance indicators that include the mainstreaming of gender. The Lead and the MEL team will implement the partner data collection and partner reporting system, ensure data quality, and analyze information. The MEL Lead is responsible for training Activity partners on reporting and working with the Communications team to promote collaboration and effective knowledge exchange among the Activity’s local partners and external stakeholders. This position ensures that the Activity produces and disseminates high quality knowledge, tools, and lessons learned through routine monitoring and evaluation and implementation experience.


Monitoring and Evaluation:

  • Update and maintain AMELP, capturing qualitative and quantitative aspects, according to the annual work plans and USAID quality standards.
  • Implement and manage the data collection and partner reporting system, ensure data quality, and analyze information.
  • Provide quarterly updates of AMELP indicators and provide all MEL information for reporting to USAID and DAI.
  • Plan and conduct routine and ad-hoc pause and reflect (P&R) and learning sessions with both internal and external stakeholders.
  • Ensure high quality and accuracy of Activity results presented in donor reports and communications materials.
  • Manage all internal and external evaluations of the Activity as well as evaluations of partners.
  • Ensure optimal use of evaluation by providing guidance and support in preparation of timely management response to all mandatory evaluation.
  • Ensure that evaluations, assessments, and other M&E products are designed and implemented in accordance with established DAI’s quality standards and designed to improve performance and contribute to wider learning.

 Quality Planning and Reporting :

  • Develop and refine M&E within the AWP with Component Leads to ensure that activities in the AWP have measurable baselines and targets for the appropriate levels (input, output, outcome, impact).
  • With Component Leads, establish and coordinate effective mechanisms of monitoring the implementation of the AWP including development of monitoring methods and processes for specific activities. Develop tools for data collection and monitoring as needed.
  • Coordinate and contribute to preparation of quarterly and annual reports.
  • Ensure progress towards key performance indicators is reported in a timely manner.
  • Oversee implementation of the project indicators through the review of reports, correspondence, and site visits.
  • Conduct internal data quality assessments (DQAs) and prepare for and coordinate with USAID on external DQAs.

 Partner Reporting and Data Gathering:

  • Implement the partner data collection system / partner reporting system for all Activity awards.
  • Oversee and provide support to Activity staff, local partners and grantees in collection, verification, and calculation of data; monitor data accuracy, entry, and cleaning; and oversee maintaining accurate and up-to-date and secure data.
  • Establish and manage processes for data verification, data quality, and data analysis, including regular data quality reviews, spot-checks of the collected data and field visits to observe data collection. Address challenges in data and information management that impact quality.
  • Coordinate proper Activity data maintenance.
  • Establish and project-wide secure system for partner reports.

 Partner and Grantee Support:

  • Coordinate with technical and grants teams to identify and select performance indicators for awards, M&E data collection methods, and the assessment methods of grant awards’ impact.
  • Ensure mainstreaming of gender equality in all awards.
  • Verify partner or grantee capacity to provide accurate, quality and timely data.
  • Design and provide training for Activity staff, local partners and grantees on M&E tools and data collection systems.
  • Support the Activity and partners with effective use of tools and methodologies for planning, monitoring, reporting, and measuring outcomes and progress towards key performance indicators.
  • Where needed, support partners to design and implementation of innovative solutions to data gathering.

 Knowledge Management and Capacity Building:

  • Identify and formulate lessons learned from partner reporting, evaluations and studies to be integrated into broader DAI knowledge management.
  • Promote the shared responsibility of M&E function among all staff members and partners through communication, training, learning and development activities.
  • Coordinate producing data for activity updates, newsletters, and performance reports, if needed.
  • Coordinate with technical teams to provide data for success stories.
  • Collaborate and coordinate with other USAID funded projects, government agencies, NGOs, and other organizations on monitoring and evaluation issues; keep abreast of latest development and professional norms, standards, tools and methodologies.
  • Provide feedback, highlights and reporting to USAID.

 Leadership and Management:

  • Participate in senior staff meetings, providing debriefings to management.
  • Lead the M&E team to ensure the MEL system accurately captures Activity and donor needs.
  • Train, supervise, and mentor M&E staff.
  • Plan, assign, and direct work; appraise performance, address, and resolve problems.
  • In coordination with the COP and communications team, represent the Activity in a professional manner to USAID and relevant stakeholders.
  • Serve as the point of contact for all official communication dealing with M&E management.
  • Perform other related duties as required.


  • Bachelor’s degree required; an advanced degree preferred.
  • At least five years in of experience in international development projects with a proven ability to implement a robust M&E system that is integrated into all aspects of program implementation and based.
  • An established understanding of the theory of change that drives private sector development programs based on partner and systems-level results rather than input and outputs
  • Proven experience leading firm-level monitoring for large private sector development programs.
  • Proven ability to oversee and manage the collection and reporting of performance indicator data as frequently and in as timely a manner as decision makers need.
  • Demonstrated success managing information feedback loops that connect performance monitoring and learning with adapting implementation over the life of the activity.
  • Familiarity with developing, overseeing, organizing, storing, and analyzing data and data systems.
  • Strong analytical capabilities
  • Ability to work in a dynamic and quickly changing environment of Ukraine.
  • Fluency in English required.

Qualified individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply.

Please submit your Cover Letter and CV by July 22, 2024.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Please include “Application for Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) Lead: your name and surname” in the subject line.

Інформація про вакансію
Опубліковано: 8 липня 2024
Актуально до: 22 липня 2024

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Що варто знати про DAI Global LLC, USAID Investment for Business Resilience

The Investment for Business Resilience Activity (formerly known as the Financial Sector Reform Activity) in Ukraine is a five-year program funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and managed by DAI Global LLC (DAI).
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