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Communications Associate at UNDP

full-time office Київ (Україна) middle $1587 / міс intermediate
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UNDP works in about 170 countries and territories, helping to eradicate poverty, reduce inequalities and exclusion, and build resilience so that countries can sustain progress. As the United Nations’ development agency, UNDP plays a critical role in helping countries achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

In Ukraine, UNDP operates in five programmatic areas of support: government capacities for crisis response and management; sustaining provision of public services; emergency works facilitating return and reconstruction; incomes, livelihoods and the private sector response; and civil society and maintenance of the social fabric.

The war in Ukraine has already resulted in significant loss of life; unprecedented displacement, internally and towards neighbouring countries; and devastating destruction of infrastructure. Eighteen years of socio-economic achievements in Ukraine are at risk. UNDP’s core engagement is to preserve development gains as fully as possible, and to return Ukraine to pathways towards achieving the SDGs as quickly as possible.

UNDP launched its Resilience Building and Recovery (RBR) framework for Ukraine on 11 April 2022 to immediately respond to the development and humanitarian challenges. The overall objective is to preserve development gains in Ukraine, mitigating risks of descent into a governance and service delivery crisis, embedding activities for recovery from the onset of the humanitarian effort, and facilitating a swift return to development pathways and processes for national attainment of the SDGs.

UNDP in Ukraine invites applications from qualified and experienced Ukrainian professionals for the post of Communications Associate to support the implementation of communication strategies, enhance public awareness of development initiatives, and manage media relations to effectively promote UNDP’s mission and projects across the country as part of the Inclusive Development, Recovery and Peacebuilding (IDRPB) portfolio.

Requirements for candidates:

  • 3 years of experience in Public Relations, Communications, Journalism, Media or another relevant sphere.
  • Proven experience in creating compelling content, including press releases, feature stories, social media posts, and other promotional materials.
  • Proven experience in managing communication projects or campaigns, including the planning, execution, and evaluation phases.
  • Demonstrated experience in working with media outlets, managing media inquiries, and securing media coverage.
  • Experience in managing social media platforms and digital content strategies.
  • Bachelor degree or equivalent in Public Relations, Media, Communications, Journalism, Political or Social Sciences, Linguistics, or another relevant area.
  • Ukrainian, Level: Fluent, Required
  • English, Level: Working knowledge, Required

You will have the opportunity to apply your talent while working for a noble cause. UN Volunteers receive a monthly living allowance (VLA), as well as life insurance and full health insurance.

This position comes with the following benefits and entitlements for UN Volunteers (National UN Volunteer Specialist):

  • Monthly Volunteer Living Allowance (VLA) (equivalent in UAH): USD 1,587
  • Medical and life insurance: Cigna Private Insurance
  • Annual leave: 30 days
  • Certified sick leave: 30 days annually
  • Uncertified sick leave: 7 days annually
  • Learning leave: 10 days annually

The final date to apply is August 30 inclusive.

Опубліковано: 20 серпня 2024
Актуально до: 30 серпня 2024

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Що варто знати про UNV Ukraine

Програма Волонтери ООН була заснована Генеральною Асамблеєю ООН у 1970 році за ініціативою держав-учасниць ООН. Програма підпорядковується Програмі Розвитку ООН (ПРООН). Волонтери ООН (ВООН) — це програма Організації Об'єднаних Націй, котра сприяє миру та розвитку шляхом поширення волонтерства у всьому світі.
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