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Creative Copywriter at Fedoriv Agency

full-time hybrid Київ (Україна) senior upper
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Додати побажання

At Fedoriv, we’re not just creating brands. We’re crafting stories and emotions. If you’re ready to roll up your sleeves and jump into the deep end, we’re waiting for you. Remember, Freedom=Responsibility, Team Play and Craft are our important values. If you’re ready to play, we’re ready to win.

Key Responsibilities:

• Let’s break some markets and disrupt some norms. We’re not here to fit in. We’re here to stand out.
• Work with the creative team to transform ideas into campaigns that are as memorable as the Carpathian Mountains.
• Brands, slogans, ad campaigns – we’re shaping the conversation here.
• You know what they say: consistency is key. Keep our clients’ content on brand and on point.
• Work with our strategists, art directors, and designers to create a perfect blend of copy, strategy, and visuals.
• Feedback isn’t just welcome, it’s essential. Use it to sharpen your skills and your copy.
• Projects are your pets now. Nurture them, feed them, and watch them grow.
• Stay on top of the game. Learn, adapt, and grow with the industry.

Hard Skills:

• Got a couple of years under your belt in a copywriting role? Great. We need someone who knows their way around a catchy phrase.
• Portfolio is a must.
• Experience with commercial projects is a must
• Got your hands in lots of pies? Perfect. We need a multitasker who loves a good challenge! Ad scripts, digital activations, naming – we have it all!

Soft Skills:

• In the market for a genius-level creative? So are we. If your ideas are more refreshing than a dip in the sea, we should talk.
• If you play as well with others as a seasoned jazz ensemble, you’re in the right place. Collaboration is our jam.
• A strong attention to detail is a must. We’re not saying you need to count grains of sand, but, well, it wouldn’t hurt.
• Communicate like a poet, work like a craftsman. We respect the power of words and the beauty of a well-constructed sentence.
• Adaptable and responsive to feedback like a chameleon in a rainbow- that’s what we’re after.
• Curious? Perfect. We’re not just following trends. We’re setting them.

BUT MOST IMPORTANT! You must write copy better than ChatGPT, which wrote everything above.

Інформація про вакансію
Опубліковано: 26 серпня 2024
Актуально до: 26 вересня 2024

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Що варто знати про Fedoriv Agency

Привіт! Ми — Fedoriv Agency. Ми створюємо і розвиваємо бренди, які допомагають бізнесу радикально зростати. Для цього ми розробили унікальний підхід, в якому поєднується креатив, технології й бізнес. Ми знаходимо інноваційні, швидкі, рентабельні й ефективні рішення будь-яких задач. Ми співпрацюємо з масштабними українськими та закордонними клієнтами, а у нашій команді зібрані найкращі таланти.
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