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Explosive Ordnance Victim Assistance Coordinator до UNDP

full-time office Київ (Україна) middle $1587 / міс not-important
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The full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation in February 2022 continues to have profound and far-reaching consequences on civilian lives and regional stability. The war has caused unprecedented social and economic disruptions, internal and external displacement, a breakdown in public service delivery subjecting vast areas to the threat of landmines and explosive ordnance (EO). Ukraine holds the tragic distinction of being the world’s most potentially explosive ordnance-contaminated country, with a staggering 25% of its territory under threat. This not only raises concerns for the safety of the citizens but also magnifies the number of people, both directly and indirectly, affected by the explosive remnants of war.

As per International Mine Action Standard (IMAS) 13.10, EO victims are individuals who have directly experienced an accident with EO, as well as those who were indirectly affected — their families or communities contaminated with explosive ordnance. It should be noted that the term «direct victim» refers to a person who has experienced an EO accident, whether or not that person survived, while the term «survivor» is often used to describe a direct victim who has been injured and/or impaired, but who has not been killed as a result of the accident with EO. UNDP Ukraine advocates for the continuous integration of victim assistance into national policies and legal frameworks, spanning disability rights, health, education, employment, and poverty reduction.

The national authorities, as well as oblast and local authorities are working on improvement of a wide set of policies regulating the sphere of assistance to EO victims, including the National Mine Action Strategy, which was approved by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated June 28, 2024 No. 616. UNDP supports the implementation of the National Mine Action Strategy, in particular through a series of measures aimed at achieving Strategic Goal 2 «Reducing the impact of explosive objects on the life and health of the population «. UNDP has developed the Model of Victim Assistance (Model) in Mine Action in Ukraine that serves as a roadmap for collaboration among national and local authorities, international partners, and civil society, securing a holistic and comprehensive approach to addressing the needs of EO victims.

During 2023−2024, UNDP provided support to selected affected communities in Chernihiv and Kyiv regions in implementing the Model to increase the capacity of their facilities and institutions to provide assistance to EO victims by purchasing equipment and training staff. Currently, UNDP is extending its support to other regions most affected by explosive devices in Ukraine, including the Kharkiv region.

In this context, the Rehabilitation and Disability Inclusion (R&DI) team seeks to urgently equip the regional and local authorities, as well as members of selected communities of Kharkiv region with a support to implement the UNDP developed Model for EO victim assistance based on the international standard IMAS 13.10.

Requirements for candidates:

  • 3 years of experience in Social Science, Public Administration, Economics, Law, Public Relations and other relevant;
  • Work experience in/with a regional or local authority;
  • Experience working in the UN or other international development organization is an asset;
  • Previous experience working in emergency projects in complex and volatile contexts is an asset;
  • Experience in any other relevant sector will be an advantage [health, social services, local/regional development, education, etc.];
  • Experience working with CBOs, CSOs is an asset;
  • Excellent interpersonal skills; culturally and socially sensitive; ability to work inclusively and collaboratively with a range of partners, including grassroots community members and authorities at different levels;
  • Ability to work and adapt professionally and effectively in a challenging environment; ability to work effectively in a multicultural team of international and national personnel;
  • Solid overall computer literacy, including proficiency in various MS Office applications (Excel, Word, etc.) and email/internet; and office technology equipment;
  • Self-motivated, ability to work with minimum supervision; ability to work with tight deadlines;
  • Sound security awareness;
  • Have affinity with or interest in sustainable development, volunteerism as a mechanism for durable development, and the UN System.
  • Bachelor degree or equivalent in administration, management, finance, grants
  • Ukrainian, Level: Fluent, Required
  • English, Level: Basic, Required

You will have the opportunity to apply your talent while working for a noble cause. UN Volunteers receive a monthly living allowance (VLA), as well as life insurance and full health insurance.

This position comes with the following benefits and entitlements for UN Volunteers (National UN Volunteer Specialist):

  • Monthly Volunteer Living Allowance (VLA) (equivalent in UAH): USD 1,587
  • Medical and life insurance: Cigna Private Insurance
  • Annual leave: 30 days
  • Certified sick leave: 30 days annually
  • Uncertified sick leave: 7 days annually
  • Learning leave: 10 days annually

The final date to apply is October 17 inclusive.

Інформація про вакансію
Опубліковано: 7 жовтня 2024
Актуально до: 17 жовтня 2024

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Що варто знати про UNV Ukraine

Програма Волонтери ООН була заснована Генеральною Асамблеєю ООН у 1970 році за ініціативою держав-учасниць ООН. Програма підпорядковується Програмі Розвитку ООН (ПРООН). Волонтери ООН (ВООН) — це програма Організації Об'єднаних Націй, котра сприяє миру та розвитку шляхом поширення волонтерства у всьому світі.
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