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Grant manager and / or feasibility studies services for municipalities at Westminster Foundation for Democracy

part-time hybrid Інше місто, Київ (Україна) middle, senior not-important, intermediate, upper, advanced
Вакансія закрита

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  1. Background information

The Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD), the UK public body dedicated to strengthening democracy around the world. For more than 30 years we have actively helped democracies to grow stronger, so that freedom and prosperity can flourish. We help solve problems of democracy so that democracies can address challenges that people face around the world – from climate change to corruption. WFD has been active in Ukraine for over a decade, during which time we have provided technical assistance support to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, individual legislators and other political actors, and political parties.

In March 2023, WFD commenced a programme, engaging peer organisations and democracy thought leaders from Ukraine to consider implications for democracy and the political system of war and recovery processes in Ukraine. This considered the various democratic challenges as well as how the political system must effectively respond to the desires and needs of the Ukrainian people, almost all of whom have, in some way, contributing to the war effort and making Ukrainian victory over aggression closer. This work was continued as the Ukraine Recovery Conference in June 2023 through our Europe-wide parliamentary engagement and work with civil society.

Resulting from these and other engagements in Ukraine, WFD has developed the Recovering Ukraine Democratically (RUD) Programme.

One of the program activities will focus on the work with local communities to help them define recovery / development needs and set priorities through piloting inclusive problem-solving priorities. This will be done through two sub-activities: first, through the cooperation with the Association of Ukrainian cities who will assist in selecting three communities in the Kyiv region with a population of up to 50,000 inhabitants for further cooperation, and second, two of these communities will benefit from the Participatory Action Research (PAR) methodology.

Recovery issues became relevant for Ukraine from the very first days of the full-scale invasion. Subsequently, communities were identified as one of the key points for recovery, as people’s needs and priorities are most visible at the local level. Restoration of communities in accordance with the best democratic practices is the key to the democratic development of post-war Ukraine. Therefore, this area is one of the priorities for RUD Programme.

Any recovery process should be carried out in close cooperation with the civil society. Recovery is often strategic issue, prioritising long-term visions for community development.

At the municipal level, in the context of recovery, there are the following challenges:

  • lack of human resources for inclusive preparation and implementation of comprehensive recovery plans/projects;
  • lack of financial resources for ongoing activities and recovery measures;
  • lack of experience in interacting with international partners;
  • social-economic challenges that are constantly growing;
  • infrastructure problems caused by constant shelling by the Russian Federation.

The current TOR will assist in addressing these challenges further.

  1. Scope of Work

General purpose of this work is identifying a service provider who will be able to provide grant manager services to municipalities for preparing projects and grant applications and coaching / training services. The projects should be identified through roundtables and the PAR.

The services should be provided for three communities:

1) Ivankiv

2) Borodianka

3) Velyka Dymerka

The selected supplier can either bid to cooperate from one to three communities, and for one or all tasks listed below.


It is expected that the selected service provider will conduct the following services:

  • Donor mapping and identifying calls and opportunities to match the needs of municipalities
  • Preparation of project proposals for grant applications, which includes actual proposal and budget development together with municipalities
  • Provision of coaching / training to municipalities on grant writing (at least 1 training)
  • Preparation of feasibility studies (technical and economic justifications) for the priority projects (details provided below) – only applicable for Velyka Dymerka community
  • Help with fundraising activities for the strategic priorities of the communities previously identified through PAR or other project activities.

Development of a feasibility study “reconstruction/overhaul of an administrative building to accommodate a rehabilitation center” in Velyka Dymerka municipality

Brief description: total area 1111.8 sq.m; staff 40 people. The number of patients at the same time is up to 200 people. It is planned that the following halls/rooms are needed for the center:

  • Arrangement of rooms for physical rehabilitation, massage rooms, living rooms with private bathrooms, a general practitioner’s office.
  • Physical therapy room.
  • Assembly hall.
  • Offices for service personnel.
  • Construction and arrangement of a shelter (on the territory) or a semi-basement room.
  • Elevator equipment.
  • Carrying out landscaping of territories.
  • Reconstruction of external engineering networks.

All technical solutions must be implemented considering the requirements of accessibility.


A tentative timetable for delivery is outlined below.

  • Tender announcement: December 2024
  • Selection and contracting of the winning bidder(s): December 2024
  • Primary service provision: December 2024 – January 2025
  • Final Report: February 2024


The overall budget for this activity shall not exceed GBP 15,000, equally distributed between the three selected local communities. Therefore, if a service provider applies for part of the requested services, the relevant budget should be divided accordingly.


The winning bidder(s) will be expected to provide periodic written updates throughout the delivery of the assignment(s). Additionally, a brief final report is expected on completion.

  1. Roles and Responsibilities
  • Municipality:
    • Provision of all relevant information for service providers
    • Provision of recommendations on selection of service providers, to meet the real needs of the community
    • Approval of the quality of the services provided
    • Participation in the communication with potential donors on service provider’s requests
  • WFD’s team:
    • General coordination
    • Selection of service provider
    • Approval of any deviations from the ToR if necessary
    • Coordination of main activities
    • Dissemination of results among stakeholders
  • Service providers:
    • Provision of grant manager and fundraising services with local communities (in particular, preparation of project proposals)
    • Research on open call for grants relevant for the communities
    • Feasibility studies
  1. Ethical Considerations
  • Informed Consent: Ensure that the parties involved in the activities provide informed consent before the start of the cooperation.
  • Confidentiality: Protect the privacy of stakeholders and handle all data confidentially.
  • Respect and Inclusivity: Foster an inclusive environment that respects diverse perspectives and experiences.
  1. Application form (price quotation to be submitted in UAH)

Ми,  (назва Учасника),  надаємо  свою  пропозицію  щодо  участі у закупівлі _________ (вказати назву предмета закупівлі)  згідно з технічними та іншими вимогами Замовника торгів.

Вивчивши документацію, на виконання зазначеного вище, ми, уповноважені на подання пропозиції, маємо можливість та погоджуємося виконати вимоги Замовника, зазначені у цій пропозиції  за наступною ціною:

№ з/п Найменування

предмета закупівлі



Виміру (пріоритетно робочий день)

Кіль-кість Ціна за од., грн., без ПДВ або з ПДВ Загальна вартість,

грн. без ПДВ або з ПДВ

Разом, грн.  без ПДВ або з ПДВ:  
ПДВ –     %, грн.:  


  1. До акцепту нашої пропозиції, Ваша документація разом з нашою пропозицією (за умови її відповідності всім вимогам) мають силу попереднього договору між нами. Якщо наша пропозиція буде акцептована, ми візьмемо на себе зобов’язання виконати всі умови передбачені цією пропозицією та Договором.
  2. Ми погоджуємося дотримуватися умов цієї пропозиції протягом 30 днів із дати її подачі. Наша пропозиція буде обов’язковою для нас і може бути акцептована Вами у будь-який час до закінчення зазначеного терміну.
  3. Ми погоджуємося з умовами, що Замовник може відхилити нашу чи всі пропозиції учасників та розуміємо, що Замовник не обмежений у прийнятті будь-якої іншої пропозиції з більш вигідними для нього умовами.
  4. Наш попередній досвід надання аналогічних послуг:
  5. Контактна інформація:

6 Посада, прізвище, ініціали, підпис уповноваженої особи Учасника, завірені печаткою(за наявності).

 Довідкова інформація:

У складі пропозиції Учасник надає ціну товару (робіт, послуг), з урахуванням податків і зборів, що сплачуються або мають бути сплачені, усіх інших витрат, включаючи доставку, завантаження та розвантаження товару, а також інших супутніх витрат, що можуть виникати у рамках надання послуг.

  1. Contact Information

For further details or queries regarding this ToR, please contact:

  • Contact point: Stanislava Tsarkova

Email: [email protected]

Інформація про вакансію
Опубліковано: 6 грудня 2024
Актуально до: 20 грудня 2024

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Що варто знати про Westminster Foundation for Democracy

WFD was set up in 1992 – on the initiative of all political parties then represented in the UK Houses of Parliament – in response to the wave of democratisation that took place across Eastern Europe and elsewhere. Our purpose: to help build pluralist democratic institutions overseas.
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