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Intern, Research at The National Democratic Institute (NDI)

internship hybrid Київ (Україна) entry, junior intermediate, upper, advanced
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The National Democratic Institute (NDI) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization that works to strengthen democratic institutions around the world by engaging civil society and promoting openness and accountability in government. NDI has been supporting local democratization efforts in Ukraine since 1992. For more information about NDI, please visit: www.ndi.org 

General overview of the positions

NDI is currently seeking interns to join various teams, with priority given to veteran applicants.

  • Research

The research team closely cooperates with other NDI program teams to provide timely and nuanced data for their needs and the needs of the program partners. The research uses a wide range of traditional and innovative research methods, including focus groups, in-depth interviews, nationally representative in-person and telephone surveys, implicit association tests, online surveys, and deliberative polling.

The NDI internship program will provide short-term, three to six months, supervised work experience related to democratic development and the good governance field. The program aims to promote a wider and better public understanding of the democratic institutions worldwide and domestically, challenges and opportunities for democratic development, and the work of the Institute in Ukraine. 

The working hours are subject to discussion and agreement with the supervisor, but within the 20 to 30 hours limit per week. 

The internship positions are located in Kyiv at NDI’s office on the 5th floor of a business center equipped with generally functioning elevators and backup generators. Accessible bathrooms are available on one of the ground floors. NDI is committed to inclusivity and offers flexibility for remote work arrangements for successful candidates with disabilities.

During their internship successful candidates will combine practical work experience with a structured learning experience through specific programmatic briefs.

Primary Responsibilities

  • Provide logistical support for online meetings, trainings, workshops and other events as required;
  • Assist with and provide back-up for the day-to-day operations of the program, responding to routine program inquiries, ensuring prompt and accurate forwarding of messages;
  • Assist in  reconciliation of expenditures in accordance with NDI’s financial policies;
  • Observe program supported activities;
  • Assist in preparation and drafting of activity reports and briefing notes;
  • Provide written translation of program materials;
  • Monitor political and other developments in the country;
  • Carry out other assigned tasks related to program activities.

Required Skills and Experience

  • Ukrainian citizenship, or a foreigner, or a stateless person who stays in Ukraine and is eligible for work in Ukraine on legal grounds; 
  • A relevant degree including, but not limited to Human Rights, Political Science, International Relations, Public Administration, Social Sciences, Law, or Linguistics.
  • Fluency in Ukrainian and English, including translation skills, will be an asset;
  • Keen interest in Ukraine’s reforms and political processes, understanding of the political and civic landscape in Ukraine;
  • Absence of the active involvement in political parties;
  • Strong interpersonal, communication, and networking skills;
  • Strong organizational skills and ability to multitask;
  • Ability to work in an organized manner and meet deadlines;
  • Attention to detail;
  • Strong writing skills with an ability to present clear and concise analysis;
  • Excellent computer skills (Microsoft Office Programs, Excel, Google tools, Zoom);
  • Experience in data visualization would be an asset.

Remuneration Package

This is a paid internship. Details will be discussed with successful candidates. 

Deadline: The deadline for the submission of the required documents is by close of business on January 15, 2025.


  1. A pre-screening video interview.
  2. A written test.
  3. A final interview with the hiring department(s) and HR.

Interested applicants should submit CVs and motivation letters by filling in the online application form.

In Ukraine, NDI employs Ukrainian citizens and occasionally third country nationals who have the authorization to work in Ukraine.

The NDI Ukraine is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce and encourages qualified candidates from all national, religious, gender, ethnic, and social backgrounds to apply to become a part of the organization.

The NDI Ukraine is committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace, and encourages all applicants, regardless of their abilities, to apply to become a part of the organization.

The NDI Ukraine actively supports the recruitment of veterans and encourages qualified individuals with military service backgrounds to apply, recognizing the unique skills and experiences they bring to the workplace.

The NDI Ukraine has the authority to re-promote the vacancy, terminate the recruitment process, provide an appointment at a lower grade, or offer an appointment with a revised job description or for a different duration.

Опубліковано: 17 грудня 2024
Актуально до: 15 січня 2025

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Що варто знати про Національний Демократичний Інститут Міжнародних Відносин

Національний демократичний інститут (НДІ) є некомерційною, неурядовою організацією, яка працює задля посилення демократичних інститутів у всьому світі шляхом залучення громадянського суспільства, сприяючи відкритості та підзвітності влади. З часу свого заснування в 1984 році НДІ та його місцеві партнери працюють задля підтримки і зміцнення демократичних інститутів та практик, забезпечення проведення чесних виборів, залученню громадян до суспільних процесів, а також сприяють відкритості та прозорості влади. Хто нас підтримує: Колишній держсекретар США Мадлен Олбрайт виступає в якості голови Ради директорів НДІ. Інститут отримує фінансову підтримку від Конгресу США, Державного департаменту США та Агентства США з міжнародного розвитку, а також приблизно 35 інших країн, багатосторонніх інституцій та фондів. НДІ відкрив офіс у Києві у вересні 1992 року. З тих пір Інститут сприяє розвитку демократії в Україні шляхом зміцнення політичних партій, спостереження за проведенням виборів, розвитку громадянського суспільства та програм з роботи з урядом.
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