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Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Team Lead (Ukraine) at the American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative

full-time hybrid Київ (Україна) senior advanced
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For over 30 years, and through our work in more than 100 countries, the American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative (ABA ROLI) has sought to strengthen legal institutions, support legal professionals, foster respect for human rights, and advance public understanding of the law and citizen rights. In collaboration with government agencies, the judiciary, lawyers, bar associations, legislatures, and civil society, we design programs that are responsive to local needs and that prioritize sustainable solutions to pressing rule of law challenges.

Job Summary

ABA ROLI is looking to hire a local Ukrainian expert to fill the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Team Lead position for the new five-year “Healing & Accountability through Human Rights Activity” funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The purpose of this new activity is to help Ukrainians achieve justice and address social divisions resulting from Russia’s full-scale invasion. The activity will support processes aimed at accountability for war crimes, foster dialogue on difficult questions related to post-conflict recovery, and begin healing and reconciliation using human-rights-based approaches, including transitional justice tools. This position is based in Kyiv, Ukraine.

The M&E Team Lead is critical to the success of the activity implementation through ensuring processes and procedures to operationalize the MEL Plan, as well as leading reporting to USAID. The M&E Team Lead supports the Chief of Party (COP) in ensuring that interventions are evidence-based and that the activity gathers appropriate data to inform adaptive management. The M&E Team Lead plays a critical role in sharing information with USAID and other stakeholders related to the activity’s evidence-based impact, lessons learned, and other successes.

Principal Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Develops and implements program monitoring and evaluation procedures, including the Monitoring, Evaluation, Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting (MECLA) work plan, to monitor all project activities and progress towards achieving program goals.
  • Works closely with other team members and partners to collect information for monitoring, analyzes data and presents reports and presents evidence to program team and Chief of Party on strategies for improving project effectiveness.
  • Reports as needed, including monthly, quarterly, and annual progress on all project activities to technical team and Chief of Party.
  • Coordinates with project partners in collecting relevant quantitative and qualitative data to report on key performance, context, and outcome indicators.
  • Develops all required data collection tools and templates, including identifying and requesting administrative data relevant to the program, and develops and maintains a secure system for storing and organizing all program data.
  • Facilitates Pause and Reflect sessions and other learning activities in furtherance of the CLA objectives of the project.
  • Responsible for compliance with USAID Ukraine MECLA requirements.
  • Provides MEL capacity building to staff and partners as needed.
  • Participates in design, collection, and analysis of baseline and end-line data.
  • Uploads M&E data and products onto ABA M&E systems.
  • Supervise and mentor other MEL staff as assigned.

Required qualifications:

  • Demonstrated experience leading the M&E function of a large project and expertise in developing and operationalizing a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation plan, routine monitoring system, and USAID reporting.
  • A minimum of 8 years of M&E experience in international development projects with a Master’s degree or 5 years of M&E experience with a PhD.
  • Fluency in English (both spoken and written); professional proficiency in Ukrainian is desirable.
Опубліковано: 24 грудня 2024
Актуально до: 24 січня 2025

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