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Knowledge and Advocacy Adviser at ALINEA INTERNATIONAL LTD (SURGe)

ALINEA INTERNATIONAL LTD (Ukraine Office)/PROJECT: Support Ukraine’s Reforms for Governance (SURGe)
full-time Київ
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SURGe supports the Government of Ukraine in a number of reform initiatives, including the Public Investment Governance reform.

Reform initiative and position summary:

The focus of the Public Investment Governance reform is two-fold. The first, to establish the national, regional and local framework for efficient management of public investments that would bring benefits to different citizen groups. This work will cover all stages of the investment process, from initiation to planning, budgeting, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, based on our Citizen-Oriented Policy Results (COPR) process. Second, understanding that there are certain types of territories that require intense support through public investments, SURGe will support the GoU in designing additional developmental instruments to address specific needs and promote the unique potential of these territories.

For this reform, SURGe Project is looking for а Knowledge and Advocacy Adviser who will be responsible for the organization of peer learning among communities belonging to certain types of functional areas, collection and sharing of knowledge and lessons learnt on resolving public investment gaps through various avenues, supporting awareness-raising activities. The Advisor will also be responsible for facilitating advocacy activities to support policy and regulatory changes related to public investment governance.

Level of effort: Full time, Monday-Friday. The expert will be based in Kyiv.

The duration of the contract is 6 months with a possibility of extensions (subject of approval and implemented deliverables during a previous deployment).

For contracting (after the job offer is made), the selected candidate is expected to be registered as a Private Entrepreneur of the 3d group (consultancy services).

Indicative duties and responsibilities (scope of work):

• Consult with communities, Government of Ukraine agencies and other partners at national, regional and local levels to better understand the needs, capacities and perceptions that are critical to public investment governance reform knowledge-sharing and advocacy objectives;
• Identify the key audiences for the public investment governance knowledge-sharing, and advocacy measures for public investment governance reform;
• Develop and implement knowledge-sharing, advocacy and awareness-raising activities on public investment governance reform;
• Gather and share knowledge and lessons learnt on resolving public investment gaps in Ukraine and other Initiative results;
• Organize peer learning (in communities belonging to one functional area);
• Support the Initiative information management;
• Liaise closely with the reform team members in pilot regions to ensure coordination of knowledge sharing, advocacy and communications measures;
• Specify appropriate communication channels and dissemination methods to effectively communicate key messages to specific stakeholders, including engaged social media presence.

Preferred qualifications and skills:

• 3+ of experience in leading the design and implementation of advocacy, awareness raising, communication and promotion initiatives related to reforms, involving a wide range of partners at a variety of levels;
• Proven experience in working with the expert community, civil society and government stakeholders on designing and implementing formal and informal learning and information exchange initiatives, advocacy campaigns;
• Understanding of the reform agenda and governance;
• Proven experience in building effective communication and dialogue to develop strong informational products and in facilitating their further dissemination to key target audiences;
• Be able to enhance the visibility of project initiatives and products within the regional development policy context;
• Strong ethics, well-balanced and mature personality, positive attitude to the job;
• Strong organizational skills, ability to work under tight deadlines;
• Strong presentations skills;
• Excellent knowledge of Ukrainian, ability to speak and write clearly and correctly;
• Fluent English, strong writing skills;
• Citizen of Ukraine.

To apply: Submissions must be prepared in English and delivered electronically by 17:00 Kyiv time on June 28, 2021

All submissions must include:
1) Applicant’s CV in English (max. 2 pages);
2) Applicant’s letter of interest (max. 500 words).

Інформація про вакансію
Опубліковано: 15 червня 2021
Актуально до: 28 червня 2021

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Що варто знати про ALINEA INTERNATIONAL LTD (Ukraine Office)/PROJECT: Support Ukraine’s Reforms for Governance (SURGe)

Alinea International is committed to provide equal employment opportunity for all employees and applicants on the basis of merit.  About Alinea International: Alinea is one of Canada’s leading international development firms, providing management and technical expertise to developing and transitional country partners on projects that promote sustainable growth and meaningful opportunities for people to improve their lives. Over the past 30 years, we have implemented over 370 projects in more than 65 countries. Alinea has two offices in Canada and 11 offices around the world, including an office in Ukraine. Over the almost thirteen-year of Alinea (former Agriteam) presence in Ukraine, the team successfully implemented five international technical assistance projects. About the project: In October 2019, Alinea International launched a new five-year project in Ukraine: Support Ukraine Reforms in Governance (SURGe). SURGe is a technical assistance project in Ukraine, funded by Global Affairs Canada and implemented by Alinea International Ltd. SURGe’s Ultimate Outcome is to help the Government of Ukraine (GoU) to deliver governance and economic reforms that better respond to the needs of its citizens. To achieve this, the Project will strategically enhance and strengthen the GoU’s reform management functions, namely its capacity to undertake planning and analysis of reforms that consider citizen impact and to implement these reforms.
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