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Feedback Assistant (1 for Chernihiv, 1 for Chernivtsi) at Global Communities

full-time Чернівці, Чернігів (Україна)
Вакансія закрита

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Ця вакансія є частиною спецпроєкту Work Stability for Ukrainians
Проєкт допомоги в працевлаштуванні українцям, які постраждали внаслідок війни, що реалізується в межах Програми ООН із відновлення та розбудови миру за фінансування ЄС

Global Communities works at the intersection of humanitarian assistance, sustainable development and financial inclusion to save lives, advance equity and secure strong futures. We support communities at the forefront of their own development in more than 35 countries, partnering with local leaders, governments, civil society and the private sector to achieve a shared vision of a more just, prosperous and equitable global community.

Global Communities is seeking two Feedback Assistants, one based in Chernihiv and one based in Chernivtsi, Ukraine to ensure accountability to affected populations. The Feedback Assistant will receive feedback from all stakeholders (beneficiaries, prospective vendors, employment candidates, staff, etc.) via dedicated feedback channels. The role will be responsible for logging all cases and recording subsequent actions and outcomes in the database. The position-holder will be integral to the M&E department in embedding practical and effective community-based feedback mechanisms to support accountability at all phases of program implementation.  The Feedback Assistant reports to the Feedback Mechanism Manager.


  • Receive the beneficiary feedback via the feedback channels (i.e. phone messaging via hotline, WhatsApp, email, etc.)
  • Translate the received feedback and other feedback related materials from Ukrainian and/or Russian to English and vice versa.
  • Provide relevant counseling to feedback providers.
  • Share the feedback with relevant colleagues in departments in GC.
  • Coordinate the follow-up actions with supervisor and ensure their timely execution.
  • Ensure all feedback incidents, subsequent actions and outcomes are recorded in the database, with high level of accuracy and timeliness.
  • Provide sound advice to GC staff on feedback mechanism matters.
  • Provide timely and accurate reports for departmental needs, using the reporting tools.
  • Report to supervisor about any potential database functionality issues or any modifications required.
  • Ensure high level of confidentiality and security of entrusted data is maintained at all times.
  • Help in developing and translating the relevant tools and materials for trainings, policies, data base, etc.
  • Any other tasks requested by the supervisor or department head.


Education and Training   

  • Bachelor’s degree in social sciences, psychology, social work, or a related field is strongly preferred.
  • Knowledge and experience in Protection Mainstreaming is highly desirable.
  • Completion of Sphere Standards, Humanitarian Accountability in Emergencies and Protection Induction trainings is preferred.


  • A minimum of 1 years’ experience in humanitarian work, or IDP/refugee protection required; a Master’s degree on a relevant subject may be considered as equivalent for 1 year work experience.
  • A former INGO or UN experience is preferred.

Technical skills   

  • Strong Microsoft Office programs familiarity and skills
  • Ability to act with sensitivity as well as be neutral and impartial.
  • Ability to work under pressure.
  • Attention to detail.
  • Strong analytical and reporting skills.
  • Ability to solve problems without requiring supervision.
  • Excellent conflict management skills.
  • Professional proficiency in written and spoken English, and Ukrainian and/or Russian. Must be able to read and interpret documents and communicate with others as necessary to perform job duties effectively.

Interested candidates are asked to send CVs and Cover letters as soon as possible, indicating position title in the subject line. Interviews will be conducted on a rolling basis. Position is open until filled.

Global Communities is committed to ensuring a safe and respectful environment for all staff, representatives, partners, participants, and anyone with whom Global Communities interacts worldwide, especially children and adults at risk

Інформація про вакансію
Опубліковано: 22 жовтня 2022
Актуально до: 15 листопада 2022

Як відгукнутись на вакансію?

Будь ласка, увійдіть або зареєструйтесь, щоб побачити деталі.
Цю вакансію розміщено в межах Work Stability for Ukrainians — проєкту допомоги в працевлаштуванні українцям, які постраждали внаслідок війни, що реалізується ГО «Професіонали майбутнього» за сприяння ПРООН у межах Програми ООН із відновлення та розбудови миру за фінансування Європейського Союзу.
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Що варто знати про Global Communities

Організація «Глобал Ком’юнітіз», раніше відома як CHF International, – це міжнародна неприбуткова організація, яка тісно працює з громадами по всьому світу, щоб запровадити сталі зміни, які покращуватимуть життя вразливих груп. Організація «Глобал Ком’юнітіз» реагує на кризу в Україні, надаючи гуманітарну допомогу через заходи реагування під керівництвом громади. Заходи реагування організації «Глобал Ком’юнітіз» покликані рятувати життя, зменшувати страждання, забезпечувати нагальні потреби, водночас підтримуючи громади в їх власному реагуванні та допомагаючи їм у відновленні.
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