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Internal Auditor at Global Communities

full-time office Київ (Україна) intermediate, upper, advanced
Вакансія закрита

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Global Communities is responding to the crisis in Ukraine, delivering humanitarian, recovery, and development assistance through a community-led response. Global Communities’ response is designed with the goal of saving lives, reducing suffering, and addressing urgent needs while supporting communities to lead their own response and prepare for recovery.

Job Summary

Global Communities is seeking a professional ready to deliver advisories and reviews on a risk-based approach as a part of Internal Audit and Compliance team, aimed at strengthening compliance of organizational functions with donor (USAID) and local regulations, internal policies and controls across functions of Finance, Subaward management, Supply Chain, Administration, and Human Resources. This is a position within a 2nd line of defense with needs for internal auditor skills.

This position is based in our country office (Kyiv, Ukraine) reporting to and acting under the supervision of the local Internal Audit and Compliance Manager. Successful applicants will undergo on-the-job training in the application of GC’s internal audit, compliance tools, and methodologies.


  • Perform compliance reviews, risk assessments, and evaluations of internal controls and corporate governance processes on a risk-based and planned approach from the perspective of:
    • Compliance with internal policies and external requirements and regulations.
    • Efficiency of processes.
    • Safeguarding assets from loss and misuse.
    • Building capacity, internal trust and collaboration.
  • Support the management and the 1st line functions in their success with:
    • Methodological support in risk management.
    • Advice on SOP drafting and rolling out.
    • Providing relevant recommendations and training.
    • Third-party reviews (implementing partners / sub awardees).
    • Eliminating weaknesses in controls, processes and policies.


  • Conduct a thorough review of sampled transactions from compliance perspective.
  • Participate in physical inspection visits and due diligence checks as the observer.
  • Document all work through concise work papers, connecting sources of observations with a basis for recommendations and outcoming corrective actions.
  • Maintain proper electronic documentation for all work performed and reports issued, adhering to internal workpaper completion and archiving requirements.
  • Maintain a high level of confidentiality and security of entrusted data.
  • Perform timely registration of the assignments and status of their completion against the plan in the tracker.
  • Support supervisor in producing ad hoc reports based on the department needs and management requests.
  • In coordination with supervisor, perform various investigation procedures.
  • Build strong partnerships with all the functions.
  • Perform other job-related tasks assigned by the supervisor.
  • Test and advise on design of controls.
  • Assist in developing objective and relevant opinions from the evidence base, formalize deliverables (reports, drafts, checklists etc.)

Working Relationships

The Internal Auditor is a part of independent internal advisory department with no decision-making responsibilities, reporting to the Internal Audit and Compliance Manager.

Education and Experience

  • University degree in Accounting, Business Administration, Financial Management, Economics, or another compliance-related
  • Experience in undertaking interviews and investigations.
  • Minimum of 3 years or equivalent experience in the field of compliance, audit (internal or external), financial management, internal control evaluation, etc.

Every of the following will be considered a strong asset

  • Professional experience in international non-profit organization
  • Familiarity with USAID regulations
  • Understanding and/or practical experience of risk management and risk assessment.
  • Solid knowledge of government statutory requirements in areas of taxation, labor law, entity registration and other applicable local laws.
  • Completion of Certified Internal Auditor, Certified Public Accountant (CPA) or a similar program.

 Hard and Soft skills

  • Strong analytical and reporting skills, accuracy and attention to detail.
  • Very good communication skills (verbal and written) and ability to build positive relationships across functions.
  • Excellent command of Microsoft Excel, good knowledge of standard office programs.
  • Ability to work independently while being a strong team player, be a proactive problem-solver.
  • High standards for quality of work and solution-driven attitude.
  • Excellent time management skills and the ability to prioritize work when under pressure.
  • Must be flexible, ready to perform assigned and additional duties and work irregular hours when needed.

Language skills

  • Proficiency of both verbal and written English.
  • Fluency in Ukrainian.


 Interested candidates are asked to send CVs and Cover letters  no later than March 21, 2023.

Please be advised that only shortlisted candidates will have feedback. Applications in languages other than English will not be considered. This position is open to Ukrainian citizens only.

Інформація про вакансію
Опубліковано: 13 березня 2023
Актуально до: 21 березня 2023

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Що варто знати про Global Communities

Організація «Глобал Ком’юнітіз», раніше відома як CHF International, – це міжнародна неприбуткова організація, яка тісно працює з громадами по всьому світу, щоб запровадити сталі зміни, які покращуватимуть життя вразливих груп. Організація «Глобал Ком’юнітіз» реагує на кризу в Україні, надаючи гуманітарну допомогу через заходи реагування під керівництвом громади. Заходи реагування організації «Глобал Ком’юнітіз» покликані рятувати життя, зменшувати страждання, забезпечувати нагальні потреби, водночас підтримуючи громади в їх власному реагуванні та допомагаючи їм у відновленні.
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