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Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning Officer at Global Communities

full-time office Київ (Україна) intermediate, upper, advanced
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Global Communities is implementing the 18-month, Community-Led Emergency Action and Response (CLEAR) program with support from the United States Agency for International Development’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (USAID/BHA) to respond to humanitarian needs in Ukraine. The program is designed with the goal of saving lives, reducing suffering, and addressing needs while supporting communities to lead their own response.

CLEAR will focus on 20 communities Chernivtsi and Chernihiv Oblasts, to be selected jointly with our local partners and based on a rapid needs assessment conducted during co-creation. However, the emphasis will be on communities outside of major city centers that are underserved by the international response.

The  Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning (MEL) Officer is accountable for the performance of project programmatic monitoring and evaluation systems.

The  MEL Officer is responsible for 1) developing and maintaining the M&E systems, plans and tools; 2) monitoring program progress towards indicator targets and impact; 3) facilitating collaboration, learning, and adapting (CLA) into all program activities, and utilizing analysis to inform planning and execution; 4) ensuring data quality; and 5) supporting data collection, analysis, and reporting.

The MEL Officer reports to MEL Manager.


  • Establish and implement MEL systems to ensure program activities are tracked, reviewed in line with the overall program goal and implementation plan and have the desired impact to achieve program goals and objectives.
  • Ensure implementation of MEL plan; responsible for overall management of pause and reflect sessions by the Knowledge Management team.
  • Contribute to the design of MEL tools, forms and data collection standard operating procedures to track program activities, outcomes and impact, and learning processes.
  • Build MEL competencies of program and partner staff to ensure accurate data collection, monitoring, data analysis and interpretation and reporting.
  • Oversee M&E database design, set up and management; ensure all relevant program staff are able to utilize the database to analyze program information and results.
  • Oversee data processing including data transfer, entry, verification and cleaning.
  • Promote and ensure use of data and information for decision-making processes and knowledge sharing among program offices and teams; develop and instill mechanisms for learning and adapting the program to enhance impact and results.
  • In close collaboration with the MEL Manager, ensure collaboration, learning and adapting informs all strategies and implementation activities through constant feedback loops involving project leadership and technical staff.
  • Facilitate development, implementation, and oversight of the work plan related to MEL and CLA activities.
  • Coordinate with other programs and stakeholders to share lessons learned and facilitate internal and external learning activities and events as appropriate.
  • Oversee the application of regular and iterative learning and analysis to adapt programming to the changing conditions and/or identify new opportunities.
  • Contribute to HQ and donor reports particularly on program progress towards indicators; produce analytical summaries including graphs, charts, tables, narratives and visuals to fulfill internal and external reporting requirements.
  • Support program evaluations including mid-term and end term evaluations including participating in the contracting, design and report reviews.
  • Contribute to the Global Communities’ internal MEL newsletter and other journals and platforms as appropriate.


  • Bachelor’s degree required; Master’s degree preferred.
  • a minimum 3 years’ experience in managing and reporting on the applications of quantitative and qualitative information management methods on USAID or other donor funded programs
  • at least 1 year of direct supervisory and management experience.
  • Extensive experience developing, managing, and adapting MEL plans on USAID programs.
  • Proven knowledge of USAID Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting (CLA) framework; and demonstrated experience using data for decision-making, program adaptation and learning
  • Demonstrated experience and capacity in managing information systems and the application of quantitative and qualitative methods.
  • Proven knowledge and experience utilizing applications for the design, monitoring and evaluation of projects.
  • Experience implementing, managing extensive data systems and tools from collection to analysis.
  • Experience on programs that utilize Community Driven Development (CDD) strongly preferred; democracy and governance programming a plus.
  • Strong computer skills and a working knowledge of statistical software.


Professional proficiency in written and spoken English as well as Ukrainian and or Russian required. Must be able to read and interpret documents and communicate with others as necessary to perform job duties effectively.

Interested candidates are asked to send CVs and Cover letters. Interviews will be conducted on a rolling basis. Position is open until filled.

Global Communities is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment, without regard to age, race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, or status as a protected veteran.

Інформація про вакансію
Опубліковано: 15 березня 2023
Актуально до: 15 квітня 2023

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Організація «Глобал Ком’юнітіз», раніше відома як CHF International, – це міжнародна неприбуткова організація, яка тісно працює з громадами по всьому світу, щоб запровадити сталі зміни, які покращуватимуть життя вразливих груп. Організація «Глобал Ком’юнітіз» реагує на кризу в Україні, надаючи гуманітарну допомогу через заходи реагування під керівництвом громади. Заходи реагування організації «Глобал Ком’юнітіз» покликані рятувати життя, зменшувати страждання, забезпечувати нагальні потреби, водночас підтримуючи громади в їх власному реагуванні та допомагаючи їм у відновленні.
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