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Technical Officer (HIV Testing) at World Health Organization

full-time hybrid Київ (Україна) advanced
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Grade: NO-B
Contractual Arrangement: Temporary appointment
Contract Duration: 12 months

To provide technical assistance in HIV testing to the Ukrainian Ministry of Health, Centre for Public Health and the National HIV Programme and provide training, mentoring and support to Ukrainian healthcare and other facilities providing HIV testing, with the overall aim to end HIV in Ukraine.

Key duties:
1.Provide technical assistance and support to the Ukrainian Ministry of Health, Ukrainian Centre for Public Health and other national bodies on HIV testing;
2. Provide training, mentoring and technical support to Ukrainian healthcare and other facilities providing HIV testing;
3. Provide site specific technical guidance, mentoring, training and support to increase access, improve HIV diagnosis and optimise HIV testing services;
4. Improve HIV diagnosis by supporting optimisation of provider-initiated HIV testing and use of rapid diagnostic HIV tests;
5. Support improved access, coverage and management of viral load testing
6. Support post-test counselling trainingfor doctors (including family doctors)
7. Develop simplified and standardised HIV testing algorithms linked to patient pathways to expand access and optimize HIV treatment (ART) regimens and services;
8. Serve as a resource for technical questions on HIV testing, problem solving, and consultation and assure effective communication between WHO and the healthcare officials and workers at different levels of the national HIV testing and treatment system;
9. Support the development of national strategies,guidelines and models of HIV testing and contribute to the work of national HIV testing technical working groups;
10. Support related efforts to improve and optimize HIV treatment services in the context of achieving 95:95:95 and national HIV targets
11. Support related efforts to strengthen capacity to generate and systematically use HIV strategic information, particularly HIV testing indicators, through national information systems and routine programme monitoring;
12. Support related advocacy efforts for improving HIV service delivery, including policy dialogue and advocacy round tables with regional health authorities
13. Provide technical assistance in line with the approved work plan of HIV area of work (within the communicable disease workplan), BCAs, the European Programme of Work (2020-2025), Global Fund, USG CDC/PEPFAR,UNAIDS/UBRAF, and other collaborative agreements;
14. Promote WHO policies,practices and integrated service delivery approaches to promote equitable access to HIV diagnosis, care and treatment;
15. Provide technical support to guide and strengthen civil society in their responses to scaling up HIV testing and to vulnerability and structural barriers to accessing communicable disease services;
16. Contribute to the work of the WHO country office related to ensuring access to quality communicable disease prevention and treatment to all in need particularly in the conflictaffected areas and including internally displaced persons, marginalized people and those in the penitentiary system;
17. Ensure timely reporting of HIV testing and related activities within country workplans through Senior Adviser to WR Head of Country Office and Regional Office;
18. Prepare reports to donors on HIV testing programme/project implementation;
19. Organize and support national and international HIV consultancies and country missions;
20. Contribute to regula rHIV monitoring and assessment performance through evaluation and reporting;
21. Perform other dutiesas designated by the supervisor within the technical scope of the position.

Essential: University degree(Bachelor’s level) in medicine, public health or related area of study.
Desirable: Master’s degree in any of the above-mentionedareas. Post-graduate training in HIV.

Essential: At least two years of work experience in HIV testingand diagnosis at the national level.
Desirable: Relevant work experience within WHO, UnitedNations or another international organization.


  1. Demonstrated knowledge of current practices and associated technologies for HIV testing and diagnosis
  2. Demonstrated knowledge of the epidemiology and challenges of HIV in Ukraine
  3. Demonstrated knowledge of Ukrainian HIV testing services and challenges to service delivery
  4. Proven skills in developing partnerships withand between Government officials, international and national agencies responsible for HIV, civil society, community-based organizations and other networks in Ukraine
  5. Demonstrated knowledge and ability to develop and implement HIV testing frameworks and information product
  6. Emotional intelligence – ability to identify and manage one’s own emotions, as well as helping others to do the same.

WHO Competencies
Respecting and promoting individual and cultural differences
Producing results
Building and promoting partnerships across the organization and beyond

Use of Language Skills
Essential: Expert knowledge of Russian. Expert knowledge of Ukrainian.

Remuneration comprises an annual base salary starting at USD 37,537 (subject to mandatory deductions for pension contributions and health insurance, as applicable) and 30 days of annual leave.

Інформація про вакансію
Опубліковано: 30 травня 2023
Актуально до: 7 червня 2023

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World Health Organization (WHO) WHO was founded in 1948 to work for the attainment of the highest possible level of health by all peoples. WHO works with 194 Member States, providing leadership on global health matters, shaping the health research agenda, setting norms and standards, and articulating evidence-based policy options. It also provides technical support to Member States, monitors and assesses health trends, funds medical research and provides emergency aid during disasters. Through its programmes, WHO also works to improve nutrition, housing, sanitation and working conditions around the world. It is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland and has six regional offices around the world.
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