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Inclusion Consultant at Chemonics International Inc.

part-time Запорiжжя (Україна)
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Chemonics International Inc. is looking for a qualified professional to fill the position Inclusion Consultant


The eight-year USAID DG East Activity aims to strengthen the connection and trust between citizens and their government in eastern and southern Ukraine by promoting an inclusive civic

identity and common civic values through increased citizen participation, improved service delivery and more responsive and inclusive governance.

During the war in particular, it is crucial to create spaces for young people, girls, women, senior citizens, people of disabilities, veterans, and other underrepresented groups, to withstand the consequences of war and lead reconstruction and recovery efforts. Their role in local communities and participation is essential at all stages of the humanitarian life cycle. The longer the war goes on, the more stressful the situation becomes for everyone affected in Ukraine with increased mental health risks in addition to worries about immediate needs and what the future might hold.

Based on official information from the Zaporizhzhia City Council (hereinafter Zaporizhzhia CC), Zaporizhzhia City has:

  • 29,205 people with disabilities
  • 207,500 senior citizens
  • 2,377 large families (three and more children)

These groups need re-socialization/adoption support, psycho-social, and collective public support in their daily life and leisure especially now during the hard, war time when people are disconnected from each other, mostly people with disabilities.

DG East will support Zaporizhzhia CC departments (Department of social protection, Department of medical services development, Youth Department, Department of Culture development) with:

  • Conducting a comprehensive analysis of Zaporizhzhia city` public locations. – up to 30 locations in Zaporizhzhia City) to assess whether parks, squares, central/big markets, public buildings follow inclusion rules and are accessible to people with disabilities and people with low mobility.Advise on potential installation of four inclusive sports and recreation playgrounds based on the available permits and appropriate locations.
  • Conducting training for local government entities (LGE) representatives on the following topics: Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI), national and international inclusion policy/rules, inclusion in state building processes and documents (DBN), inclusion and universal design, gender inclusion access. Up to 50 representatives of Zaporizhzhia CC (heads of departments, units, municipal enterprises, etc.) are expected to attend the trainings.

Purpose of Assignment:

The Inclusion Consultant will analyze 30 public locations selected by Zaporizhzhia CC (in close coordination with Zaporizhzhia NGO and civil society actors) and will prepare complex recommendations for recovery/restoration of these 30 locations based on inclusion rules and transparency level for people with disabilities. In addition, the Inclusion Consultant will train 50 of Zaporizhzhia CC staff on inclusion rules and policies.

Detailed Tasks:

The Inclusion Consultant will complete the following tasks under this activity:

  • Conduct three training workshops each workshops will be last for three days for 50 of Zaporizhzhia CC staff. The training will cover the following topics: “Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI)”, “National and international inclusion policy/rules”, “Inclusion in state building processes and documents (DBN)”, “Inclusion and universal design” “Gender inclusion access”.
  • Conduct an analysis of 30 of Zaporizhzhia city` public locations (city`s parks, squares, central/big markets, public buildings etc. – including 4 locations selected by Zaporizhzhia CC for installation of inclusion playgrounds) to assess if these spaces are accessible and are inclusive for people with disabilities and people with low mobility. The Inclusion Consultant will analyze the 30 locations selected by Zaporizhzhia CC, in close coordination with Zaporizhzhia NGO and civil society actors, and prepare recommendations for recovery/restoration of these 30 locations based on inclusion rules and accessibility to public services for people with disabilities.
  • Develop list of recommendations (PDF/PPP report) for Zaporizhzhia CC regarding the ways to create and /or restore the spaces to be more inclusive. The recommendations will include suggestions based on the “Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI)”, State Building Rules (DBN) inclusion policy and design/zoning recommendations. In addition, the recommendations will include detailed explanations (or plan/proposals) on how to ensure accessibility for people with low mobility. 


The Inclusion Consultant will deliver to DG East the following deliverables, in accordance with the schedule below.

Deliverable No. 1: Training materials and report. The report will provide training materials and training report that summarizes the results of the training conducted for Zaporizhzhia City Council staff (50 staff) (offline or online, depending on the security situation and staff availability). The report will be no longer than 10 pages (PDF or PPP). The report shall also include the following details:

  • Training agenda, power point presentation, background materials to be shared with participants.
  • Signed participants’ lists.
  • At least 10 pictures/screen shots from each training day.
  • Pre- and post-assessment questionnaires / self-examination form for Zaporizhzhia CC staff
  • Main results and outcomes.
  • Lesson learned/Solutions/Recommendations.
  • Participants’ feedback from each day of training

The analysis will be submitted in Ukrainian.

Timeline: November 2023.

Deliverable No. 2: Detailed Analysis of 30 Zaporizhzhia city` public locations (parks, squares, central/big markets, public buildings etc.). The analysis will assess and detail the level of accessibility for people with disability/low mobility group to the 30 location that were selected by Zaporizhzhia City Council The report will include recommendations on how to restore/rebuild these 30 locations to be more inclusive. The report shall be no longer than 20 pages (PDF/PPP). The analysis will be submitted in Ukrainian.

Timeline: January 2024.

Consultant Experience:

The Inclusion Consultant must have at least the following qualifications

  • At least 7 years of experience creating and developing inclusion zoning and design.
  • At least 10 years of experience participating in national working groups (teams) on inclusion policy development and/or implementation (experience must include developing inclusion DBN, draft of law/decree etc.).
  • At least 5 years of experience in training and providing consultancies on inclusion rules, policy etc.
  • Knowledge and experience with:
    • Modern constructions design in public space,
    • Organizing workplaces in public offices,
    • People with disabilities policy.
  • Knowledge of the local regulations and policy context is required.
  • Knowledge of the regional context preferred, and in particular Zaporizhzhia region.
  • Ability to write (in English and Ukrainian) the documentation appropriate for the listed deliverables in a concise and clear manner.

The selected Inclusion Consultant must be able to prepare all technical documents and reports; coordinate with DG East and Zaporizhzhia CC and ensure compliance with DG East requirements.


The Consultant will work under the guidance of DG East South East Portfolio Regional Director.  Final deliverables will be revised and approved by DG East in consultation with the Zaporizhzhia City Council.

Level of Effort:

A total of 55 days of LOE will be required for the activities listed above. If approved, we expect the Inclusion Consultant to work six days per week.


The timeframe for this assignment will be on or about November 1, 2023 – February 20, 2024.

Place of Performance:

The assignment will take place in Zaporizhzhia City, Ukraine. Should the selected consultant be engaged from a place outside of Zaporizhzhia City, DG East expects the consultant to travel to Zaporizhzhia City twice during the course of the assignment for a duration no to exceed 25 working days.


Interested and qualified candidates should send their CV by October 29, 2023. Candidates must ensure that CV does *not* include a photograph, date of birth and/or marital status information.

No telephone inquiries, please. Candidates will be considered on a rolling basis, and only finalists will be contacted.

Chemonics is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate in its selection and employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, political affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability, genetic information, age, membership in an employee organization, or other non-merit factors.

Інформація про вакансію
Опубліковано: 17 жовтня 2023
Актуально до: 29 жовтня 2023

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Що варто знати про Chemonics International Inc. / DG East

The USAID Democratic Governance East Activity (DG East) aims to strengthen the connection and trust between citizens and their government in eastern and southern Ukraine by promoting an inclusive civic identity, common civic value and a unified Ukraine by addressing the divisive impacts of russia’s aggression, and the consequences of the ongoing war through increased citizen participation, improved service delivery and more responsive governance. DG East works to (1) develop greater acceptance of a shared civic culture based on common values and understandings, and to (2) increase participation to improve Ukraine’s governance and reform processes and help to resolve community problems. DG East provides opportunities for citizens to engage with their government, provide government with resources to support their citizens, and create opportunities for citizens of Ukraine to create hope in their future and positive changes in their daily lives. DG East activities are implemented across four regional portfolios and two physical office locations in Kyiv and Staryi Sambir.
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