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38 днів тому

Account Manager (Junior/Middle) at Savvy L&D Solutions

full-time remote junior, middle upper, advanced
Вакансія закрита

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Скоріше за все, ця вакансія закрита, бо вже зробила чиїсь понеділки щасливими.
Але не засмучуйтесь — у нас є що вам запропонувати!
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🤗 We cannot teach you to empathize and understand how your actions impact others. Nor can we compel you to exert every effort to ensure clients experience exclusive care, not just good service.

’Personal’ is the key word. Exceptional client management involves valuing clients and being willing to take that extra step. It’s about caring for them personally, striving for their happiness, not just satisfaction. To go beyond mere service, you must establish an emotional connection with the client through individual, personal, one-on-one relationships.

First and foremost, we hire people for these human qualities. The rest can be taught.

🤩 If this is about you, we are eagerly waiting to welcome you in our Savvy team!

Your key focuses and responsibilities:

  • Be the key point of contact for customers’ requests regarding provided Savvy services: always easily available, following high standards in communication, and offering speedy effective solutions with the care of customer experience;
  • Ensure operational part with attention to detail and accuracy: arranging classes for clients, collecting feedback, providing clients with quarterly reports, using Savvy’s dashboard, etc.;
  • Keep our clients happy by being attentive to their needs and focusing on improvements to keep customer retention high and raise the bar of service.

🤓 Our key requirements:

  • Minimum of 1 year of proven experience in a similar role with a strong focus on Customer Service;
  • Upper-Intermediate level of English or higher;
  • You feel comfortable using various digital tools such as Google Docs, Calendar, Zoom, etc.
  • You have strong organizational skills that allow you to effectively manage multiple projects simultaneously.

💚 Advantages of working with Savvy:

  • Your opinion matters: we value each other’s ideas and welcome the differences to keep learning and being ready to embrace coming changes;
  • You work with notable tech companies like Grammarly, Sigma Software, Jooble, and others;
  • We invest in Savvy people’s growth: you have your Personal Development Plan, a head who constantly gives you feedback and helps you thrive with Savvy without any limits;
  • You work remotely from any location;
  • You become part of a team of life-changers (we will tell you later what it means 😉).

5 facts about Savvy Team and our approach

🌍 Around the globe: Our team is located in 12 countries. We are happy to expand this geography and always use the opportunity to meet our colleagues offline.

💡 Openness: We are open to new ideas, approaches, and ready to listen and help. In Savvy you can invite any manager to a meeting and discuss whatever is important to you.

📚 Lifelong education: Continuous learning and self-development are one of our key values. Be ready to take part in internal workshops and fascinating book clubs.

👩‍🏫 Developing the L&D community: Savvy team takes part in developing the L&D community in Ukraine and organizes external professional events.

💻 Own products: Savvy is developing its own products, including B.E.S.T, a testing platform, Dashboard, a platform for students and corporate classes, and the Savvy Methodology, our teaching standards.

🏆 Stages of hiring

What to expect during the recruitment process?

1️⃣ 1st stage: At our first interview, we will get acquainted, talk about your experience, skills, expectations, and address your questions. Also, Savvy manager will tell you more about the company, team, and role;

2️⃣ 2nd stage: The next stage will be a simulation session with one of the Savvy Head managers and a small writing task (up to 20-30 min) with interesting and practical cases, which will help you to immerse yourself in our daily tasks;

3️⃣ 3rd stage: If we are the perfect match, as a final stage, we’ll have an onboarding meeting to discuss your internship and further steps.

😎 Interested in the vacancy? Is everything written above about you?

Then we are waiting for your CV + cover letter with salary expectations.

Інформація про вакансію
Опубліковано: 28 листопада 2024
Актуально до: 26 грудня 2024

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Що варто знати про Savvy L&D Solutions

З 2015 року створюємо бізнес-орієнтовані L&D рішення для ІТ-бізнесів України та співпрацюємо з L&D спеціалістами, менеджерами й власниками компаній. Наші основні фокуси: розвиток софт-скілів та бізнес-англійської, тестування рівня розвитку навичок, сесії для лідерів команд для визначення пріоритетів та довгострокових цілей.
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