Have you ever heard about Lemon.io before?
If you have, here’s what it probably was:
1. “Their website and brand are just so freaking cool.
2. “I love their CEO’s Twitter! They’re completely transparent and share everything, including actual numbers.”
3. “I know several developers who work with Lemon.io. All of them said that Lemon.io’s team is amazing and the clients they’ve been connected with are the best they’ve ever had.”
4. “I read an article about them on Forbes.”
5. “My friend works at Lemon.io and they’re really chill. Their team is fully remote and a lot of team members work from different cities and even countries, but they make sure they also get to have offline events & people come from all over the world.”
6. “Their business model is cool. They connect devs with American startups for full-time projects. Their rates for developers are above the market average and they have a zero-fee policy for programmers.”
7. They’ve paid out more than $8 000 000 to Ukrainian developers to date, brewed over 3000 bottles of craft beer to celebrate that occasion, and just gave it all out to the IT community for free.
And if you haven’t heard of us yet... well, now you have :)
What people may not know about us is that we’re also one of the few Ukrainian companies that are in the startup game for real. We play on the global market competing with giant international corporations.
It’s not an easy game, but if you’re fast & eager, not a single Goliath stands a chance against you.
We try our best to keep our team small and only hire the best talent we can’t live without.
Thanks to that, we can make sure that:
1. You will forget about bureaucracy and micromanagement
2. You will have a direct impact on what’s going on. Not just on paper.
3. You will have plenty of room to grow.
Uklon — продуктова IT-компанія, розробник однойменного онлайн-сервісу виклику авто.
Laba Group — українська EdTech-компанія, яка з 2015 року доводить: ви можете швидко зростати в професії, якщо володієте актуальними й системними знаннями. А команда Laba Group допомагає їх здобути.
BetterMe — українська компанія, яка дбає про фізичне й ментальне здоров’я понад 150 мільйонів людей в усьому світі.
Тепер редактори знають.