Sleeper is a brand of ethically crafted, high-quality, multipurpose garments designed to help you feel beautiful — regardless if you are wearing Sleeper on the streets, or in the comfort of your own home.
The brand was launched in 2014 by Kate Zubarieva and Asya Varetsa, two former editors of leading fashion magazines.
On Christmas Eve one of the brand’s founders had a dream of her standing at the pajamas garment factory. Next winter Sleeper presented their FW14-15 collection. After 4 weeks, the editor-in-chief of Vogue Italia, Franca Sozzani, named Sleeper the brand of the month. Ironically, Sleeper was one month old at that time.
Sleeper’s mission is to create a culture of self-love and self-care in everyday life. We strive to expand the number of people in the world that consciously and actively love and care for themselves. For your comfort, we create cross-functional items that bring you joy and wellbeing, allowing you to focus on what is truly important.
BetterMe — українська компанія, яка дбає про фізичне й ментальне здоров’я понад 150 мільйонів людей в усьому світі.
Uklon — продуктова IT-компанія, розробник однойменного онлайн-сервісу виклику авто.
Laba Group — українська EdTech-компанія, яка з 2015 року доводить: ви можете швидко зростати в професії, якщо володієте актуальними й системними знаннями. А команда Laba Group допомагає їх здобути.